Michael H. Scott, Ph.D.
Structural Engineering
Oregon State University
School of Civil
and Construction Engineering
101 Kearney Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Office: 346 Owen Hall
e-mail: michael.scott (at) oregonstate (dot) edu
tel: 541-737-6996
fax: 541-737-3052
Unsolicited requests for a summer internship will not be
M. H. Scott's CCE webpage
Journal Publications
Rodriguez, A.F., Mackie, K.R., and Scott, M.H.
"Nonlinear response sensitivity analysis of typical highway bridges."
Journal of Bridge Engineering,
28(7), July 2023.
Simpson, B.G., Zhu, M., Seki, A., and Scott, M.H.
"Challenges in GPU-accelerated nonlinear dynamic analysis of structural
Journal of Structural Engineering,
149(3), March 2023.
Scott, M.H. and Denavit, M.D.
"Generalized computation of buckling loads via curvature-based
displacement interpolation."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
149(2), February 2023.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"A PFEM background mesh for simulating fluid and frame structure interaction."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
148(6):04022051, June 2022.
Rodriguez, A.F., Mackie, K.R., and Scott, M.H.
"Consistent software-specific nonlinear dynamic response of highway bridges."
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,
27(2):04022003, May 2022.
Denavit, M.D. and Scott, M.H.
"Strength and reliability of structural steel roofs subjected to ponding loads."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
147(2):04020318, February 2021.
Mackie, K.R. and Scott, M.H.
"Implementation of nonlinear elements for seismic response analysis of bridges."
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,
24(3):04019011, August 2019.
Al-Aukaily, A. and Scott, M.H.
"Response sensitivity for geometrically nonlinear displacement-based
beam-column elements."
Computers and Structures,
220:43-54, August 2019.
Carey, T.J., Mason, H.B., Barbosa, A.R., and Scott, M.H.
"Multihazard earthquake and tsunami effects on soil-foundation-bridge
Journal of Bridge Engineering,
24(4):04019004, April 2019.
Slocum, R.K., Adams, R.K., Buker, K., Hurwitz, D.S., Mason, H.B., Parrish,
C.E., and Scott, M.H.
"Response spectrum devices for active learning in earthquake engineering
4:e00032, October 2018.
Zhu, M., McKenna, F., and Scott, M.H.
"OpenSeesPy: Python library for the OpenSees finite element framework."
7:6-11, June 2018.
Mason, H.B., Hurwitz, D.S., Adams, R.K., Buker, K., Slocum, R.K., and
Scott, M.H.
"Increasing student understanding of response spectra: An argument for
the inductive learning approach."
Earthquake Spectra,
34(2):459-469, May 2018.
Zhu, M., Elkhetali, I., and Scott, M.H.
"Validation of OpenSees for tsunami loading on bridge superstructures."
Journal of Bridge Engineering,
23(4):04018015, April 2018.
Al-Aukaily, A. and Scott, M.H.
"Sensitivity analysis of displacement-controlled finite element analyses."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
144(3):04017222, March 2018.
Alam, M.S., Barbosa, A.R., Scott, M.H., Cox, D.T., and van de Lindt, J.W.
"Development of physics-based tsunami fragility functions considering structural member failures."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
144(3):04017221, March 2018.
Scott, M.H. and Jafari Azad, V.
"Response sensitivity of material and geometric nonlinear force-based Timoshenko frame elements."
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
111(5):474-492, August 2017.
Scott, M.H. and Mason, H.B.
"Constant-ductility response spectra for sequential earthquake and tsunami loading."
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
46(9):1549-1554, July 2017.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"Direct differentiation of the quasi-incompressible fluid formulation of
fluid-structure interaction using the PFEM."
Computational Particle Mechanics,
4(3):307-319, July 2017.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"Unified fractional step method for Lagrangian analysis of
quasi-incompressible fluid and nonlinear structure interaction using the
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
109(9):1219-1236, March 2017.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"Direct differentiation of the particle finite element method for fluid-structure interaction."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
142(3):04015159, March 2016.
Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R., Scott, M.H., and Neves, L.C.
"Deterioration modeling of steel moment resisting frames using
finite-length plastic hinge force-based beam-column elements."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
141(2):04014112, February 2015.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"Improved fractional step method for simulating fluid-structure interaction using the PFEM."
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
99(12):925-944, September 2014.
Zhu, M. and Scott, M.H.
"Modeling fluid-structure interaction by the particle finite element
method in OpenSees."
Computers and Structures,
132:12-21, February 2014.
Scott, M.H.
"Response sensitivity of geometrically nonlinear force-based frame
Journal of Structural Engineering,
139(11):1963-1972, November 2013.
Scott, M.H. and Ryan, K.L.
"Moment-rotation behavior of force-based plastic hinge elements."
Earthquake Spectra,
29(2):597-607, May 2013.
Scott, M.H.
"Evaluation of force-based frame element response sensitivity
Journal of Structural Engineering,
138(1):72-80, January 2012.
Scott, M.H. and Hamutcuoglu, O.M.
"Analytical sensitivity of interpolatory quadrature in force-based frame
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical
Engineering, 26(12):1586-1595, December 2010.
Scott, M.H. and Fenves, G.L.
"Krylov subspace accelerated Newton algorithm: Application to dynamic
progressive collapse simulation of frames."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
136(5):473-480, May 2010.
(Erratum: DOI)
McKenna, F., Scott, M.H., and Fenves, G.L.
"Nonlinear finite element analysis software architecture using object composition."
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
24(1):95-107, January 2010.
Esch, G., Scott, M.H., and Zhang, E.
"Graphical 3D visualization of highway bridge ratings."
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
23(6):355-362, November 2009.
Hamutcuoglu, O.M. and Scott, M.H.
"Finite element reliability analysis of bridge girders considering
moment-shear interaction."
Structural Safety,
31(5):356-362, September 2009.
Scott, M.H. and Hamutcuoglu, O.M.
"Numerically consistent regularization of force-based frame elements."
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
76(10):1612-1631, December 2008.
Scott, M.H. and Haukaas, T.
"Software framework for parameter updating and finite element
response sensitivity analysis."
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
22(5):281-291, September 2008.
Scott, M.H., Kidarsa, A., and Higgins, C.
"Development of bridge rating applications using OpenSees and Tcl."
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,
22(4):264-271, July 2008.
Scott, M.H., Fenves, G.L., McKenna, F., and Filippou, F.C.
"Software patterns for nonlinear beam-column models."
Journal of Structural Engineering, 134(4):562-571, April 2008.
(2009 Croes Medal)
Kidarsa, A., Scott, M.H., and Higgins, C.C.
"Analysis of moving loads using force-based finite elements."
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,
44(4):214-224, February 2008.
Scott, M.H.
"Analytical sensitivity of plastic rotations in beam-column elements."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
133(9):1341-1345, September 2007.
Scott, M.H. and Filippou, F.C.
"Response gradients for nonlinear beam-column elements under large displacements."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
133(2):155-165, February 2007.
(Errata: For the Lee's frame example, E should be 7200 MPa, not 720 MPa)
Haukaas, T. and Scott, M.H.
"Shape sensitivities in the reliability analysis of nonlinear frame structures."
Computers and Structures,
84(15-16):964-977, June 2006.
Scott, M.H. and Fenves, G.L.
"Plastic hinge integration methods for force-based beam-column elements."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
132(2):244-252, February 2006.
(Errata: The results shown in Figure 8 were for lpI=lpJ=0.3L, not 0.15L)
Scott, M.H., Franchin, P., Fenves, G.L., and Filippou, F.C.
"Response sensitivity for nonlinear beam-column elements."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
130(9):1281-1288, September 2004.
Short Communications
Scott, M.H. and Al-Aukaily, A.
"Discussion of 'Complex Perturbation Method for Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Trusses' by R. Kiran, L. Li, and K. Khandelwal."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
143(12):07017005, December 2017.
Scott, M.H. and Kalkan, E.
"Special Issue on Computational Simulation in Structural Engineering."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
140(8):A2014001, August 2014.
Scott, M.H.
"Closure to 'Evaluation of Force-Based Frame Element Reponse Sensitivity Formulations' by Michael H. Scott."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
139(6):1095-1096, June 2013.
Scott, M.H. and Potisuk, T.
"Discussion of 'Nonlinear Truss Analysis by One Matrix Inversion' by A. Fafitis."
Journal of Structural Engineering,
132(11):1852-1853, November 2006.
Workshop Activities
Tsunami Modeling Workshop, December 10-12, 2014, Corvallis, OR
Graduate Students
Zhongliang Xie (Ph.D., expected 2019)
Alabbas Al-Aukaily (Ph.D., 2017)
Minjie Zhu (Ph.D., 2014)
O. Murat Hamutcuoglu (Ph.D., 2010)
Karryn Johnsohn (M.S., 2016)
Luke Cressman (M.S., 2015)
Andrew Walker (M.S., 2014) -- David Evans and Associates, Salem, OR
Zephaniah Emmons (M.S., 2012) -- Temp-Control Mechanical, Prineville, OR
Greg Esch (M.S., 2008)
Adam Carlton (M.S., 2007)
Luke Scoggins (M.S., 2007)
Adrian Kidarsa (M.S., 2006)
Courses Taught
ENGR 211,211H -- Statics
CEM 381 -- Structures I
CEM 383 -- Structures II
CE 382 -- Structural Theory II
CE 481/581 -- Reinforced Concrete I
CE 531 -- Structural Mechanics
CE 534 -- Structural Dynamics
CE 536 -- Matrix Structural Analysis (formerly CE 585)
CE 537 -- Nonlinear Structural Analysis
CE 538 -- Structural Risk and Reliability (formerly CE 588)
Useful Links
OSU Civil Engineering
OSU Canvas
OpenSees Python and PFEM
On the Calculation of eSET Median Scores
Great Scott!