CS 532 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2010


In this course we will study topics in reasoning and learning using rich knowledge representations. The course will cover topics such as reasoning and learning using first-order logic and weighted first order logic; temporal logic and temporal constraint reasoning; models and algorithms for temporal and sequence data such as hidden Markov models, stochastic grammars, and dynamic Bayesian networks. Other topics will be covered as time allows.


There will be two hour long exams during the quarter in addition to a final exam.
Exam I: TBA
Exam II:
Final exam: TBA


Working through homework problems on your own is critical to doing well on the exams. Homework will be assigned and collected on a weekly basis. The homework assignments will NOT be graded based on correctness. Rather the instructor will record the number of problems that were "completed" (either correctly or incorrectly). Completing a problems requires demonstrating a non-trivial attempt at solving the problem. The judgment of whether a problem was "completed" is left to the instructor.

If at the end of the course a student has not completed at least 90% of the homework problems then the final letter grade will be decreased by one (e.g. A to B, B+ to C+, etc.).

The solutions to the homework will be made available each week. It is the student's responsibility to check their solutions for correctness and to resolve any questions with the instructor.

Mini Projects
The course will include two mini-projects that will involve using existing software to test understanding of concepts.


The final grade will be based on the following break down: Exam1 30%, Exam2 30%, Final 30%, Mini-projects 10%. In addition, the resulting letter grade will be decreased by one if a student fails to complete at least 90% of the homework problems.

Honor Code

Collaboration on assignments problems is permitted; copying of solutions or code is not. The work you hand in should be your own. Students should indicate on their homework, the names of all collaborators. While some students find studying together to be quite beneficial and enjoyable, I strongly encourage you to attempt to solve homework problems on your own first, as this is the only way to ensure that you have mastered the material---generating solutions is much different than verifying solutions. The bottom line is that if you are copying homework then you will do do badly on tests, and if you are caught then you will automatically fail.