Ch 16. Case Study Containers


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Ch 16. Case Study Containers


PPT Slide

Shortest Path Graph Problem

Figure 15.1 A Weighted Graph

typedef map <const char *, cityInfo, charCompare> graph;

Shortest Path Algorithm

Developing the Data Structures

Developing Data Structures

Developing Data Structures

Developing Data Structures

int main() { graph cityMap; ... // initialization of the map graph::iterator start = cityMap.begin(); graph::iterator stop = cityMap.end(); for ( ; start != stop; ++start) { const char * city = (*start).first; cout << "\nStarting from " << city << "\n"; cityInfo costs; dijkstra(cityMap, city, costs); cityInfo::iterator cstart = costs.begin(); cityInfo::iterator cstop = costs.end(); for ( ; cstart != cstop; ++cstart) { cout << "to " << (*cstart).first << " costs " << (*cstart).second << '\n'; } } return 0;

A Concordance

A Concordance

A Concordance

void concordance::readText (istream & in)

void concordance::printConcordance (ostream & out)

An iterator loop is used to cycle over the elements being maintained by the word list.

Author: Seung Sean Yoo


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