package jds.collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import jds.Indexed; import jds.FindMin; import jds.SortAlgorithm; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Heap - priority queue implemented using the Heap data structure; * for use with book * Classic Data Structures * in Java * by Timothy A Budd, * published by Addison-Wesley, 2001. * * @author Timothy A. Budd * @version 1.1 September 1999 */ public class Heap implements FindMin, SortAlgorithm { /** * initialize a newly created heap * * @param t comparator used to order values */ public Heap (Comparator t) { this(t, new Vector()); } /** * initialize a newly created heap * * @param t comparator used to order values * @param data initial data values */ public Heap (Comparator t, Indexed data) { test = t; buildHeap(data); elementData = data; } private Indexed elementData; private Comparator test; // implementation of the Collection interface /** * Yields enumerator for collection * * @return an Enumeration that will yield the elements of the collection * @see java.util.Enumeration */ public Enumeration elements () { return elementData.elements(); } /** * Determines whether the collection is empty * * @return true if the collection is empty */ public boolean isEmpty () { return elementData.isEmpty(); } /** * Determines number of elements in collection * * @return number of elements in collection as integer */ public int size () { return elementData.size(); } // implementation of the FindMin interface /** * add a new value to the collection * * @param value element to be inserted into collection */ public void addElement (Object val) { int position = elementData.size(); elementData.addElementAt(val, position); int parent = (position-1)/2; Object pvalue = null; if (parent >= 0) pvalue = elementData.elementAt(parent); while ((position > 0) && (, pvalue) < 0)) { elementData.setElementAt(pvalue, position); position = parent; parent = (position-1)/2; if (parent >= 0) pvalue = elementData.elementAt(parent); } elementData.setElementAt(val, position); } /** * yields the smallest element in collection * * @return the first (smallest) value in collection */ public Object getFirst () { return elementData.elementAt(0); } /** * removes the smallest element in collection * */ public void removeFirst () { int lastPosition = elementData.size()-1; Object last = elementData.elementAt(lastPosition); elementData.setElementAt(last, 0); elementData.removeElementAt(lastPosition); adjustHeap (elementData, elementData.size(), 0); } // implementation of the SortAlgorithm interface /** * rearrange collection into asending order * * @param data the values to be ordered */ public void sort (Indexed data) { // build the initial heap buildHeap(data); for (int i = data.size()-1; i > 0; i--) { // swap into last position Object temp = data.elementAt(i); data.setElementAt(data.elementAt(0), i); data.setElementAt(temp, 0); // and rebuild heap adjustHeap(data, i, 0); } } // internal methods private void buildHeap (Indexed data) { int max = data.size(); for (int i = max/2; i >= 0; i--) adjustHeap(data, max, i); } private void adjustHeap (Indexed data, int max, int index) { Object value = data.elementAt(index); while (index < max) { int childpos = index * 2 + 1; if (childpos < max) { if (((childpos+1) < max) && ( data.elementAt(childpos+1), data.elementAt(childpos)) < 0)) childpos++; if (, data.elementAt(childpos)) < 0) { data.setElementAt(value, index); return; } else { Object v = data.elementAt(childpos); data.setElementAt(v, index); index = childpos; } } else { data.setElementAt(value, index); return; } } } }