Introduction to OOP: Chapter 16 : A Case Study : The STL [next] [previous] [audio] [real] [text]

Maps, indexed data structures

typedef map<string, int> stringVector;
typedef map<string, stringVector> graph;

string pendleton("Pendleton");
string pensacola("Pensacola");
string peoria("Peoria");
string phoenix("Phoenix");
string pierre("Pierre");
string pittsburgh("Pittsburgh");
string princeton("Princeton");
string pueblo("Pueblo");

graph cityMap;

cityMap[pendleton][phoenix] = 4;
cityMap[pendleton][pueblo] = 8;
cityMap[pensacola][phoenix] = 5;
cityMap[peoria][pittsburgh] = 5;
cityMap[peoria][pueblo] = 3;
cityMap[phoenix][peoria] = 4;
cityMap[phoenix][pittsburgh] = 10;
cityMap[phoenix][pueblo] = 3;
cityMap[pierre][pendleton] = 2;
cityMap[pittsburgh][pensacola] = 4;
cityMap[princeton][pittsburgh] = 2;
cityMap[pueblo][pierre] = 3;
Intro OOP, Chapter 16, Slide 16