Workshop "Datamining in Finance":Call for participation

Tae Horn Hann (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 15:13:14 +0200 (MET DST)


Workshop: Data Mining in Finance

to be held in conjunction with

The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD 98)

31. August 1998

Marriott Marquis, New York CityMotivation

DATA MINING is being increasingly applied in Finance, especially to
support financial asset management and risk management. It is considered
by many financial management institutions as an innovative technology to
support conventional quantitative techniques. Its use in computational
finance will have a major impact in the modeling of currency markets, in
tactical asset allocation, bond and stock valuation and portfolio
optimization. In addition the application of Data Mining for scoring tasks
delivers valuable support for the management of client credit risk and
fraud detection.

Home-Page of the Workshop:

This workshop addresses practitioners as well as researchers who are
active in this topic such as finance, econometrics, statistics and
information systems. The workshop aims to bring together people who
are familiar with quantitative and empirical aspects of financial markets
or/and interested in quantitative methods which can be applied to data
mining in finance.

Inited speakers: Andreas Weigend, NYU
Hans Georg Zimmermann, Siemens AG

Participants are expected to take actively part in the discussion will be
chosen based on their research interest.

Researchers / Practitioners who are interested to attend should email to

Tae Horn Hann,
Institute for Statistics and Mathematical Economics
University of Karlsruhe
Rechenzentrum, Zirkel 2
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: 49 721 608 3383
Fax: 49 721 608 3491