ICML99 CFP Reminder

ICML-99 (16th Intl Conf on Machine Learning) (icml99@ijs.si)
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:55:43 +0100 (MET)

|ICML-99 Call For Papers Reminder
Workshop proposals due *** January 10, 1999 ***.
Tutorial proposals due *** January 10, 1999 ***.
Title pages due *** January 28, 1999 ***.
Papers due *** February 1, 1999 ***.


Call for Papers
June 27-30, 1999
Bled, Slovenia

Submissions are expected that describe empirical, theoretical, and
cognitive-modeling research in all areas of machine learning.
Submissions that present algorithms for novel learning tasks,
interdisciplinary research involving machine learning, or innovative
applications of machine learning techniques to challenging, real-world
problems are especially encouraged. For application papers, novelty and
lessons for the machine learning community are of particular interest.

Authors must send four (4) hardcopies and an electronic version
(PostScript) of each submission, as well as a copy of the title page via email.
The mailing address for hardcopies is:

Ivan Bratko & Saso Dzeroski / ICML-99
Institut Jozef Stefan
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Electronic versions and title pages should be emailed to icml99@ijs.si
On-line version of full CFP: http://www-ai.ijs.si/SasoDzeroski/ICML99/cfp.html