ACAI99: Registration and Further Travel Grants!

George Paliouras (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 21:10:40 +0300

*** Registration and Further Travel Grants ***
5-16 JULY 1999
** Early Registration Deadline: May 15, 1999 **


The registration form for ACAI '99 is now available on the ACAI '99
Web site:
It is available in the following formats:
MS Word97, Postscript and HTML. (It will be added in PDF shortly)
Please, print, complete and sign the form and then send it
either by Fax at the following number: +30 - 821 - 81154
or by post to:
Mrs. Zervou
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh),
P.O. Box 85
Alsyllio Agrokipio,
GR-73100, Chania,

Important dates:
Early registration deadline: May 15, 1999
Late Registration deadline: June 15, 1999

In addition to the student travel grants, allocated by the European
Coordinating Committee on Artificial Intelligence, the Machine
Learning Network (MLnet-II) will award further grants for travel
and subsistence. Details about the process of applying for these
grants can be found in the following URL:

List of plenary talks in ACAI'99:

T. Mitchell "Machine learning: Setting the scene"
M. van Someren "Machine learning and knowledge acquisition:
from ML technology push to user oriented design"
R. Michalski "Concept learning and natural induction"
Y. Kodratoff "Are ML applications a subfield of KDD?"
R.L. de Mantaras "Case-based reasoning"
I. Bratko "Noise handling in tree induction" &
"Inducing intermediate concepts"
P. Langley "Computational scientific discovery" &
"Formation of probabilistic concept hierarchies"
L. de Raedt "Inductive logic programming for data mining
and machine learning"
V. Vapnik "Statistical Learning Theory"
N. Tishby "A unified information theoretic approach to
prediction, clustering and learning"
J. Shapiro "Genetic algorithms in artificial intelligence"
L. Saitta "Multi-strategy learning"

List of workshops in ACAI'99:
W01. Machine learning in human language technology (N. Fakotakis)
W02. Quality Assurance in Knowledge Discovery in Databases (V. Moustakis)
W03. Machine learning in user modeling (C. Papatheodorou)
W04. Machine learning for intelligent information access (G. Karakoulas)
W05. Text mining (Y. Kodratoff)
W06. Pre- and post-processing in machine learning and data mining:
theoretical aspects and applications (I. Bruha)
W07. Intelligent techniques for Spatio-Temporal Data Anaysis in
Environmental Applications (N. Avouris, N. Vassilas)
W08. Data mining in economics, marketing and finance (H. Jessen)
W09. Machine learning applications in the electric power
industry (N. Hatziargyriou)
W10. Support vector machine theory and applications (T. Evgeniou)
W11. Machine learning and intelligent agents (T. Panayiotopoulos)
W12. Biologically-inspired machine learning (J. Demiris)
W13. Machine learning in medical applications (G. Magoulas, A. Prentza)
W14. Algorithmic Issues of the Genetic Approach (P. Spirakis)

Please, check the ACAI'99 Web site for the latest information
and changes to the programme. For any further information send an email:
or call at: 0030 - 1 - 650 3197