Uncertainty Track at FLAIRS '99

Simon Parsons (s.d.parsons@elec.qmw.ac.uk)
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:06:53 +0100 (BST)

Apologies to those of you who receive this message several times


---------------- FLAIRS Uncertainty Track -------------------

FLAIRS-99 Orlando, Florida
May 1-5, 1999
Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
Call For Papers

The Twelfth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Symposium Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning seeks to bring together
researchers working on issues related to reasoning under uncertainty.

Papers on all aspects of uncertain reasoning are invited. Papers of
particular interest to this track are:

* practical applications of uncertain reasoning
* inference of models from data, data mining, knowledge
* construction of probabilistic models
* qualitative probabilistic reasoning
* decision-theoretic planning, POMDPs,
* systems of argumentation or defeasible reasoning,
* probability logics

Critical Dates

Papers: November 16, 1998
Author Notificaton: December 30, 1998
Camera Ready Copy Due: February 3, 1999
Conference Dates: May 1-5, 1999

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Simon Parsons, Queen Mary, University of London
Eric Neufeld, University of Saskatchewan

Program Committee (Tentative)

Rachel Bourne, Queen Mary, University of London
Marek Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh
Love Ekenberg, Mid Sweden University
Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University
Robert Goldman, Honeywell Research
Anthony Hunter, University College, University of London
Paul Krause, Philips Research Laboratories
Henry Kyburg, University of Rochester
KAthryn Laskey, George Mason University
Petri Myllymaki, University of Helsinki
Choh Man Teng, TBA
Marco Ramoni, Open University
Paul Snow, Concord, NH
Yang Xiang, University of Regina

Submission Information

Papers and extended abstracts should not exceed 5000 words, including
abstract and references. All accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings. Final papers will consist of at most 5 galley
pages (approximately 10 double spaced pages).

There are four ways to submit a paper to the uncertainty track. In
order of preference these are:

Snail mail

Submission by FTP

The preferred method for submission is to download a postscript file
by ftp to:


We suggest that you give your file a name consisting of the first
author's last name followed by a random number. Use up to four digits
to form the random number. This is meant to reduce the possibilities
of duplicate filenames. For example "neufeld177.ps" would be a
possible filename.

Following is an example of an ftp session to submit a postscript file

% ftp elec.qmw.ac.uk
Connected to elec.qmw.ac.uk.
220 dragon.elec.qmw.ac.uk FTP server (Version
wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-12](6) Friday April 25 00:26:13 BST 1997) ready.
Name (elec.qmw.ac.uk:sp): flairs
331 Password required for flairs.
230 User flairs logged in.
ftp> put tawfik15.ps
xxxx bytes sent in xxx seconds (2e+02 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

The password for the account can be obtained from

After submitting electronically, please communicate the title, area,
and authors of the paper by sending an e-mail to

Submission by Email

If submitting by email, send a postscript file to
S.D.Parsons@qmw.ac.uk attached to a message which gives the title,
area, and authors of the paper

Submission by Snail Mail

Send 5 copies of a paper or an extended abstract (indicating the
selected areas) to the address below:

Simon Parsons
Co-Chair, FLAIRS-98 Uncertainty Track
Department of Electronic Engineering
Queen Mary and Westfield College
University of London
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom

Submission by Fax

Fax a copy of the paper or extended abstract (indicating the
selected areas) to +44 181 981 0259, marked "FAO Simon Parsons".