[UAI] CFP - 4th Intl Wkshp on Computer Science and Information Tech

From: groumpos@ee.upatras.gr
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 09:17:00 PST

  • Next message: Rich Neapolitan: "[UAI] Applications of Learning Bayesian networks"

    The 4th International Workshop on
    Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT)

    September 18-20, 2002
    Patras, Greece
    University of Patras
    Home page:

    The Workshop is supported by:
    University of Patras
    Ufa State Aviation Technological University
    Institute of Computers and Technology
    Technical Chamber of Greece
    Research Committee of University of Patras
    Russian Federal Program "Integration"
    Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
    “Mechatronica” Journal

    Important Dates:
    Now – expression of interest
    March 16, 2002 Paper submission
    May 31, 2002 E-mail Notification of acceptance
    July 12, 2002 PDF, Postscript or LaTeX Version of Paper
    Note: these deadlines will be considered as final and no late-on submissions
    will be accepted!

    CSIT is an annual international forum for presentation of new results in
    research, development, and applications in computing and information.
    The organizers expect both practitioners and theorists to attend.
    The workshop will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions
    reviewed and selected by an international program committee, invited talks
    by leading experts, tutorials, and special sections like
    industrial programs and posters on ongoing international research projects.
    Conference organizers specially encourage international cooperation projects
    consortia to present the results of their projects during the conference.
    Workshop provides special sections to Ph.D. students contributions.
    Selected presentations and contributions are to be identified for
    development into full proceeding papers. Papers with student as a primary
    author will be specially considered.
    The submissions will be judged not only for scientific quality but also for
    suitability as a basis for broader discussion.

    Place of Workshop:
    The workshop will take place in Conference and Cultural Center of the
    University of Patras, Greece. The University of Patras is situated at Rio, a
    small suburb of Patras (one of the biggest ports in Greece) in the South
    Western Greece (3 hours by bus or train from Athens). The beautiful beaches
    make Rio very popular to the tourists from all over the world. Patras is
    also well known for its historical significance, and its proximity to places
    of historical interest (Delphi, Ancient Olympia).

    The topics are but not limited to:
    Ψ Component based information systems
    Ψ Component Engineering
    Ψ Computer Applications for Science
    Ψ Conceptual Modeling
    Ψ Conceptual Modeling in Information System
    Ψ Cooperative information systems
    Ψ Data Models and Data Mining
    Ψ Data models for the Web
    Ψ Database systems
    Ψ Distance Education and Distance Learning
    Ψ Distributed and mobile agents
    Ψ E-business and e-commerce Web Applications
    Ψ Emerging Web techniques
    Ψ Engineering Databases
    Ψ Enterprise and business-process modeling
    Ψ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
    Ψ Expert Systems
    Ψ Expert-Based Evaluation Methodologies
    Ψ Geographical Information Systems
    Ψ Human-Computer Interaction Methodologies
    Ψ Industrial Computer Technology Applications
    Ψ Information systems and telecommunication
    Ψ Knowledge Engineering
    Ψ Knowledge Management
    Ψ Knowledge Representation
    Ψ Languages for the Web and XML
    Ψ Multimedia systems-Virtual Reality
    Ψ Operating systems
    Ψ Parallel and distributed systems
    Ψ Programming Languages
    Ψ Social and Human Aspects of Engineering AI Methodologies
    Ψ Software and Data Engineering and CASE Methodology
    Ψ Software Engineering
    Ψ Virtual Engineering
    Ψ Visualizing the structure and content of systems
    Ψ WWW, WISs
    Ψ Web Applications designs

    Papers submission.

    All the papers submission should be done electronically via e-mail.

    Individual Papers

    Submission of papers is welcome on the topics outlined above. The papers
    should be structured as follows:
    · paper title
    · each author's name and affiliation
    · full address (including fax and email)
    · abstract
    · four keywords
    · topic(s) addressed from the above list
    · background and main contributions

    The papers will be evaluated by the International Program Committee.
    Selected full papers are to be prepared according to the instructions sent
    to the authors (maximum 6 two-column pages). Accepted papers must be
    presented in person at the symposium.

    Special Sessions

    Proposals for topics of invited sessions are especially welcome. These
    proposals should include the title of the session, a list of 5 speakers and
    titles of their papers, together with abstracts completed according to the
    above instructions. International cooperation research projects are
    especially encouraged to organize the invited sessions presenting their
    results. They should be sent to the Symposium Secretariat by May 15th, 2002.


    The working language of the Symposium is English. This means that all
    abstracts, papers, and talks must be in English.

    Address for all Submissions
    Electronic submission should be Postscript or PDF files sent via e-mail to
    by the submission deadline

    Submission Guidelines:
    Submitted papers must clearly describe new ideas or experimental results,
    which have not been previously published in refereed journals of
    conferences. Papers should clearly explain the significant contributions and
    their relationship to previous work. Papers will be judged on originality,
    clarity, relevance, and soundness of methodology. Each paper should include
    a short abstract and a list of keywords indicating subject classification.
    Authors names and institutions should be identified on a cover page.
    Papers should be written in English. Authors may submit drafts of full
    papers or extended abstracts. Submissions are limited to 6 A4-size pages,
    with 1 inch margins and 11 point or larger font.
    Authors who feel that more details are necessary may include a clearly
    marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the Program
    Committee. If available, e-mail addresses and fax numbers of the authors
    should be included.

    Workshop Proceedings:
    The Workshop Proceedings will be published both in a hard copy with ISBN and
    electronically. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings one
    of the authors must commit to presenting the paper
    at the workshop.

    Our primary communication medium will be electronic - either via the web or
    by email. Therefore, it is critical that you provide an email address with
    your submission so we can contact you quickly.
    Please ensure that your address is present, current and correct in all

    Prof. Peter P. Groumpos
    Laboratory for Automation and Robotics
    University of Patras
    26500 Rion Greece
    e-mail: groumpos@ee.upatras.gr

    Alexandre Bugaev, Moscow Physical and Technical Institute, Russia
    Paul Spirakis, Institute of Computers and Technology, Greece
    Peter Lockemann, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
    Oleg Siountiourenko, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia
    Viacheslav Wolfengagen, JurInfoR-MSU Institute, Moscow, Russia

    Heinz Schweppe,
    Freie Universitaet Berlin
    Takustr. 9
    D-14195 Berlin, Germany

    Nafissa Yussupova
    Head of the Faculty for Robotics and Computer Science
    Karl Marx street 12
    450000 Ufa, Russia
    e-mail yussupova@ugatu.ac.ru

    Organizing Committee Chair:
    Prof. Antony Tzes
    Laboratory for Automation and Robotics
    University of Patras
    26500 Rion Greece
    e-mail: tzes@ee.upatras.gr


    Akis Petropoulakis, Strathclyde University, UK
    Alexander Smirnov, SPIIRAS, Russia
    Alexandra Galatescu, ICI-National Inst. for R&D in Informatics, Bucharest,
    Alexey Zabrodin, MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
    Andras Benczur, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
    Andre Le Grand, IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Arkady Zaslavsky, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
    Ashot Hovanesian, Synergy International Systems, USA
    Barry Ilyasov, USATU, Ufa, Russia
    Bernhard Thalheim, Technical University of Cottbus, Germany
    Christelle Urtado, LGI2P / Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France
    Chrysostomos Stylios, University of Patras, Greece
    David Maluf, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
    Dimitris Christodoulakis , University of Patras, Greece
    Eugene Chepin, MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
    Florin Filip, ICI, Romania
    George Doukidis, University of Athens, Greece
    George Kovacs, SZTAKI, Hungary
    Georgy Lebedev, Relax, Moscow, Russia
    Ivan Ermolov, MSTU “STANKIN”, Russia
    Janos Somlo, Budapest Technical University, Hungary
    Jean-Luc Stehle, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
    Jury Poduraev, MSTU “STANKIN”, Russia
    Kei Karasawa, NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, Japan
    Ken Barker, University of Calgary, Canada
    Lincoln Wallen, Oxford University, UK
    Lionel Brunie, INSA, Lyon, France
    Marius Radulescu, Mathematical Statistics Center of the Romanian Academy,
    Bucharest, Romania
    Moore Philip, De-Montfort University, UK
    Nello Scarabottolo, University of Milano, Italy
    Oleg Balovnev, University of Bonn, Germany
    Peter Robinson, Cambridge University, UK
    Roumen Nikolov, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
    Sagit Valeyev, USATU, Ufa, Russia
    Sergey Kuznetsov, ISP RAS, Moscow, Russia
    Sergey Zykov, ITERA, Moscow, Russia
    Terttu Orci, Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden
    Ulrich Schiel, Federal University of Paraiba, Brasil
    Vladimir Domrachev, Institute for Cybernetics UAS, Kiev, Ukraine
    Vladimir Drozzhin, MEC Academy, St.-Petersburg, Russia
    Vladimir Vasilyev, USATU, Ufa, Russia
    Vladimir Vetoshkin, AF Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia
    Witold Abramowicz, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland


    More Scientists are going to be added.

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