Welcome to Elain Fu's lab

Microfluidics-based Sensing for Field Applications

We are in the School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering at Oregon State University.

The Fu lab research program encompasses microfluidics-based sensor technology development with the aims of understanding the physics and chemistry of device operation and improving device performance for field applications.


August 2024 - Our team of Ramsey, Johnston, and Fu receives an NIH R01 for further tools development for saliva-based therapeutic drug monitoring!
July 2024 - The lab receives Valley Foundation funding for biomarker monitoring in noninvasive fluids!
June 2024 - Our manuscript on voltammogram signal analysis is accepted!
May 2024 - Elain starts as Director of the OSU BIOE graduate program!
November 2023 - Khadijeh, Noel, Lana, and Teagan present at the OR Bioengineering Symposium!
October 2023 - Khadijeh and Noel give talks at the BMES conference in Seattle!
October 2023 - Our manuscript on protein-based anchoring methods for nucleic acid detection in a lateral flow format is accepted!
September 2023 - Elain starts as the Interim Director of the OSU BIOE graduate program!
August 2023 - Our manuscript on electrochemical detection of pharmaceuticals from complex samples is accepted!
May 2023 - Elain gives a talk at MSB!
January 2023 - Our manuscript on creating 3D printing-based devices in fabric is accepted!
October 2022 - Elain is accepted into the OSU Biohealth Fellows Program!
October 2022 - Ander and Jade present their research at the BMES annual meeting!
October 2022 - Lael and Jade win awards for best lightning talk and best undergraduate poster, respectively, at the 4th Annual Oregon Bioengineering Symposium!
September 2022 - Lael graduates with her PhD in bioengineering!
September 2022 - Elain receives the College of Engineering Carter Award!
September 2022 - Our collaborative work with the Johnston and Ramsey labs on developing a therapeutic drug monitoring system for measurements in saliva is published!
July 2022 - Elain is named the Warwick Family Faculty Scholar through June 2025.
July 2022 - Our work on CBZ level quantification in saliva is published!
June 2022 - We begin a LFA development collaboration with HP!
May-June 2022 - Natalie defends her Honors thesis and graduates from OSU!
April 2022 - NIH funds our collaboration with the Johnston and Ramsey labs on the development of a sensor for drug measurements in saliva!
January 2022 - Our review on 3D printing for paper microfluidic devices is published in Lab on a Chip!
June 2021 - Corey graduates with his PhD in chemical engineering!
June 2021 - Arianna and Rachel each graduate with a BS in bioengineering and Kian graduates with a BS in chemical engineering!
June 2020 - Mike graduates with his MS in chemical engineering!
June 2019 - Natalie and Valerie receive Johnson Internships to perform research in the lab!
June 2019 - Madeleine graduates from OSU!
March 2019 - Elain gives an invited talk at MSB 2019!
September 2018 - NIH R01 funds awarded for our smart wound monitor collaboration with PI Dr. Johnston in EECS!
August 2018 - Elain gives an invited talk at the American Chemical Society!
July 2018 - Corey's article is published in Analytical Methods!
June 2018 - Rachel and Kian are 2018 Johnson Interns!
June 2018 - David completes his Honors Thesis!
May 2018 - Elain gives an invited talk at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference!
February 2018 - ARF provides seed funds to develop an As sensor with Dr. Chang's lab!
December 2017 - Elain gives an invited talk at the 2017 Microfluidics Congress in London!
September 2017 - Lael joins the lab!
August 2017 - NIH R01 funds awarded to support the continued development of our Phe monitor!
June 2017 - We start work on an NIH-funded project to develop a HIV test for infant diagnosis with PI Dr. Lutz at UW!
May 2017 - Jessy's article is published in Analytical Methods!
Mar. 2017 - Madeleine joins the lab!
Mar. 2017 - Mike Rodriguez joins the lab!
Mar. 2017 - Anthony's and Corey's article is published in the Journal of Microelectronics and Microengineering!
Jan. 2017 - Elain's and Corey's invited critical review is published in Lab on a Chip!
Nov. 2016 - Elain gives a plenary talk at AES at AIChE.
Oct. 2016 - Jensen joins the lab as a Sophomore Women's Research Fellow.
Jun. 2016 - Caitlin and Ian join the lab!
Jun. 10, 2016 - Wyatt, Dylan, and Robert graduate from OSU CBEE!
Jun. 3, 2016 - Robert successfully completes his M.S. examination!
May 23, 2016 - Dylan successfully completes his Bioenergy presentation and defense!
May 2016 - Gary joins the lab!
Mar. 15, 2016 - Elain gives an invited talk at the SELECTBIO Point-of-care Diagnostics Conference in Madrid.
Feb. 15, 2016 - Our manuscript on a whole blood Phe test is published in Micromachines!
Feb. 2, 2016 - Our manuscript on the malaria assay system is published in Analytical Chemistry!
Nov. 15, 2015 - Elain gives an invited talk at IEEE Nanomed.
Nov. 10, 2015 - Robert gives a talk at AIChE!
Oct. 19, 2015 - Elain gives a talk at AVS.
Oct. 10, 2015 - Jessy presents a poster at BMES!
Oct. 9, 2015 - Elain gives a talk at BMES.
Sept. 15, 2015 - Carly's manuscript on immobilizing affinity proteins is published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry!
Aug. 31, 2015 - Corey joins the lab.
June 2015 - David, Anthony, and Devin join the lab.
June 12, 2015 - Jeff graduates from UW BioE!
May 15, 2015 - Dylan receives a Bioenergy Scholarship!
April 13, 2015 - Elain will be starting a tenure-track position in CBEE this fall and is excited to begin teaching!
Jan. 15, 2015 - Bhushan's article on a valving toolkit is accepted at Lab on a Chip!
Dec. 12, 2014 - NPKUA is providing funds that will support further development of our home phenylalanine monitoring device!
Nov. 17, 2014 - Liam and Wyatt present posters at AIChE!
Nov. 11, 2014 - Our manuscript on phenylalanine detection in a paper-based device is accepted for publication at Analyst!
Oct. 25, 2014 - Elain gives a talk at BMES and co-chairs a session on Global Health Technologies.
Oct. 23, 2014 - Tinny presents a poster at BMES.
Oct. 16, 2014 - Tinny successfully completes her M.S. examination!
August 14, 2014 - Greg successfully completes his M.S. examination!
July 5, 2014 - Elain's article on equipment-free readout in paper-based devices is accepted to Analyst.
June 13, 2014 - Kim and Jared graduate from UW BioE!
Apr. 1, 2014 - Jared is awarded an NSF fellowship. Congratulations Jared!
Mar. 31, 2014 - Liam, Wyatt, and Robert join the lab!
Feb. 5, 2014 - Sujatha's article is published in Analyst.
Jan. 29, 2014 - Research collaboration with Poulsen and Hase in Veterinary Medicine has been funded by the OSU Agricultural Research Foundation!
Jan. 6, 2014 - Dylan Hinson joins the lab with an URSA ENGAGE award!
Nov. 2013 - Review article by Sam, Greg, and Elain is published in Bioanalysis.
Nov. 7, 2013 - Our article on "Diagnostics for Global Health" is published in Project Syndicate.
Oct. 31, 2013 - Jared's article is accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry!
Oct. 25, 2013 - Bhushan's article is accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry!
Oct. 18, 2013 - Jared is awarded a Washington Research Foundation Scholarship!
Oct. 10, 2013 - Elain gives a presentation at the Point-of-care Diagnostics Seminar Series at Berkeley.
Sept. 28, 2013 - Jared and Jeff present posters at BMES!
Sept. 27, 2013 - Elain gives a talk at BMES and co-chairs a session on emerging technologies.


Lab members

Elain Fu Professor
Oregon State University
Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Warwick Family Faculty Scholar

Elain has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Maryland and an Sc.B. in physics from Brown University. She transitioned to the field of bioengineering as a Research Scientist in the laboratory of Paul Yager at the University of Washington. Elain was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington from 2010 to 2013. She joined the faculty at Oregon State University in the School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering in the autumn of 2013. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019 and to Professor in 2024.

Khadijeh Khederlou OSU PhD student (June 2022 to present)

Khadijeh joined the lab with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. Her current focus is on signal enhancement strategies in electrochemical sensing that are compatible with field use.

Caleb Nejely OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2024 to present)

Caleb is a bioengineering major at OSU and joined the lab in the summer of 2024. He is contributing to several projects in the lab including improving our fabrication processes for our electrochemical sample cells and 3D printed microneedle arrays.

Anders Ortensi OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2024 to present)

Anders is a bioengineering major at OSU and joined the lab in the summer of 2024. He has been working on characterizing our 3D printed microneedle arrays.

Adam Ramsey OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2024 to present)

Adam is a chemical engineering major at OSU and joined the lab in the summer of 2024. He has been working on the electrochemical detection of oxcarbazepine.

Chieh Chang OSU MEng student (June 2024 to present)

Chieh is working to develop a microfluidic mixing module for saliva samples.


Group picture celebrating Lael's successful PhD defense in Sept. 2022.


Ander and Jade at BMES Oct. 2022.


Former lab members

Madeleine Adams OSU undergraduate researcher (March 2017 to June 2019)

Madeleine joined the lab during her sophomore year at OSU. During her time in the lab, she worked on electrode characterization and also contributed to the phenylalanine monitor project. Madeleine graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. Madeleine then joined Corning Incorporated as a Process Engineer.

David Cornwell OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2015 to June 2018)

David joined the lab as a Johnson intern and also worked as a 2nd year Johnson intern during the following summer. He completed his Honors College thesis on the topic of an alginate-based valve. David graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. David then joined OHSU medical school to become a physician.

Kim De Los Reyes UW capstone student (February 2013 to June 2014)

For her UW Capstone project, Kim worked on the development of a paper-based assay for phenyalanine detection, focusing on storing reagents in dry form. Kim graduated from UW with a B.S. degree in bioengineering.

Corey Downs OSU Ph.D. student and then post-doc (August 2015 to January 2022)

Corey came to the lab with a B.S. in bioengineering from OSU. For his Ph.D. work, he developed simple low-cost electrochemical sensors for use in precision health applications. After receiving his Ph.D. in chemical engineering in 2021, Corey completed a post-doc on a collaborative microfluidics project with HP. He is an author on six publications from our lab. Corey then joined HP to work in research and development.

Kira Hallerbach OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2022 to July 2023)

Kira worked on our collaborative project with HP, developing methods for high performance nucleic acid detection. She graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. She is a co-first-author on one publication from the lab. She went on to attend graduate school at the University of Arizona.

Dylan Hinson OSU undergraduate researcher (January 2014 to July 2016)

Dylan joined the lab on an URSA ENGAGE award and worked on modeling immunoassay systems. He then completed a Bioenergy thesis project on the topic of paper-based detection of phenolic compounds, supported for multiple years by OSU Bioenergy Scholarships. Dylan graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. He served as a Peace Corp volunteer in Namibia. He then joined FlowJo as a Data Scientist.

Jared Houghtaling UW capstone student (March 2011 to June 2014)

During his time in the lab, Jared worked on multiple projects, including the development of a novel method of metering fluids in paper-based devices. Jared was the recipient of two Mary Gates Research Scholarships, a Bioengineering Scholarship, and a Washington Research Foundation Scholarship. He is a co-author on four publications from the lab. Jared graduated from UW with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. He was awarded an NSF graduate fellowship and received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Jared is a data scientist at edenceHealth NV.

Jessy Imdieke OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2014 to Spring 2017)

Jessy joined the lab as a Johnson intern and was awarded a second year Johnson internship for the following summer. She developed a cost-effective method for stamping antibodies onto nitrocellulose substrates and presented her work at BMES. Jessy graduated from the bioengineering program at OSU with a B.S. degree. She is an author on a publication from the lab. Jessy went on to work in industry, most recently at Riverpoint Medical as a Process Engineer.

Noel Lefevre OSU PhD student - project (September 2022 to June 2024)

Noel joined the lab with dual degrees in neuroscience and computer science from Michigan State University. She was co-advised initially with Dr. Stephen Ramsey. Noel contributed to our group's work on the electrochemical detection of carbamazapine in saliva. She is first-author on one publication and a co-author on another publication from the lab. Noel decided to follow her passion for neuroengineering and joined the lab of Dr. Kloefkorn at OSU.

Tinny Liang UW M.S. and capstone student
(January 2010 to December 2014)

Tinny joined the lab as a freshman in the UW bioengineering program and earned both B.S. and M.S. degrees in bioengineering from UW. As an undergraduate, she won numerous awards including Mary Gates Research and Leadership Scholarships, a Bioengineering Scholarship, and was named a Levinson Emerging Scholar. She was also awarded an NSF Fellowship to complete her M.S. work in the lab. Tinny's research focused on the development of a high sensitivity paper-based diagnostic test for malaria. She is a co-author on six publications from the lab. Tinny went on to attend medical school at UW and is now an M.D.

Brittney McKenzie UW capstone student (January 2012 to June 2013)

For her UW Capstone project, Brittney developed a novel method of sequencing fluids in paper-based devices. She was supported by the NASA Summer Undergraduate Research Program and a Mary Gates Research Scholarship. Brittany graduated with a B.S. degree in bioengineering from UW. She is a co-author on one publication from the lab. Brittney went on to graduate school and received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside.

Jade Minzlaff OSU undergraduate researcher (Fall 2021 to March 2023)

Jade worked on developing methods for the electrochemical detection of carbamazepine in water sources. She was a CWI intern in the summer of 2022. She is a co-author on one publication from the lab. She graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. Jade went on to graduate studies at the University of Washington.

Arianna Nejely OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2017 to March 2020)

Arianna joined the lab as a Johnson Intern. She contributed to several projects, including developing methods for paper-based device characterization, and is an author on two publications from the lab. She graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. Arianna joined Lonza as a Research and Development Scientist.

Kian Patel OSU undergraduate researcher (Winter 2018 to March 2020)

Kian joined the lab during his freshman year at OSU. He was a Johnson intern and contributed to the phenylalanine monitor project developing methods of dry reagent preservation. Kian was then awarded a CWI internship and worked on the development of arsenic sensing. He continued the arsenic sensor work for his Honors College thesis. Kian graduated with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from OSU. Kian went on to obtain an M.S. degree from Carnegie Melllon.

Rachel Polaski OSU undergraduate researcher (Fall 2017 to March 2020)

Rachel joined the lab during her freshman year at OSU and received a Johnson summer internship. She worked on the development of the phenylalanine monitor and is an author on two publications from the lab. Rachel graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. She joined Bristol Myers Squibb as an engineer.

Caitlin Reid OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2016 to Fall 2019)

Caitlin joined the lab as a Johnson intern, and completed her Honors College thesis project on the topic of improving stencil-printed electrodes in porous materials. Caitlin graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. She joined Genentech as an engineer.

Robert Robinson OSU M.S. student (June 2014 to June 2016)

Robert joined the lab after obtaining a B.S. in chemical engineering from OSU. He contributed to multiple projects during his time in the lab and was a co-author on three publications. He graduated from OSU with an M.S. degree in chemical engineering and joined Intel.

Teagan Rocheville-Higgins OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2023 to June 2024)

Teagan completed her Honors College thesis project on the topic of coating 3D printed microneedle arrays for biocompatibility. She graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. She went on to graduate studies at Cornell University.

Mike Rodriguez OSU M.S. student (March 2017 to June 2020)

Mike came to the lab after obtaining a B.S. in chemistry from Trinity University. He completed a M.S. thesis in the lab on the topic of sensitivity improvements in paper microfluidic immunoassays.

Riley Schweitzer OSU undergraduate researcher (September 2023 to May 2024)

Riley contributed to our work on electrochemical sensing of drug targets in saliva. She graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. She went on to graduate studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Devin Seitz OSU researcher (June 2015 to December 2015)

Devin obtained a B.S. in chemical engineering from OSU. During his time at OSU, he completed a senior design project in the lab and then worked for six months with us on the topic of dry reagent preservation.

Lana Senten OSU undergraduate researcher (August 2023 to June 2024)

Lana worked on our collaborative project with HP to develop methods for high performance nucleic acid detection. She was a co-author on one publication from the lab. She graduated with a B.S. in bioengineering from OSU.

Wyatt Self OSU undergraduate researcher (March 2014 to January 2016)

Wyatt worked to develop a test for the detection of bacteria in a milk sample, a project funded by the OSU Agricultural Research Foundation. He was awarded a second year Johnson internship. He graduated from OSU with a degree in chemical engineering. Wyatt went on to work as an engineer at ENTEK International.

Ander Switalla OSU undergraduate researcher (Winter 2022 to June 2023)

Ander worked on developing 3D printing methods in fabric. He graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. He is first-author on one publication from the lab. Ander went on to attend graduate school at the University of Oregon.

Greg Thiessen UW M.S. student (September 2012 to August 2014)

Greg completed his M.S. degree in my lab at UW working on the development of a field test for the detection of phenyalanine. He is a co-author on three publications from the lab. Greg joined Stratos Genomics as a scientist.

Anthony To OSU undergraduate researcher (June 2015 to Spring 2017)

Anthony graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. During his time in the lab, he completed his Honors College thesis project on wax transfer printing in porous substrates. He is a co-author on one publication from the lab.

Liam Wong OSU undergraduate researcher (March 2014 to Spring 2017)

Liam joined the lab as a Johnson intern. He completed an Honors College thesis project on the topic of a semi-quantitative test for PKU patients and is the co-author on a publication from our lab. Liam graduated from OSU with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. Liam went on to attend medical school at OHSU.

Jeff Yang UW capstone student (October 2011 to June 2014)

Jeff graduated from UW with a B.S. degree in bioengineering. For his Capstone project, he developed methods to control the velocity of fluids in paper-based devices to improve their efficiency. Jeff went on to attend medical school at the Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine.

Lael Wentland OSU Ph.D. student and then post-doc (September 2017 to January 2023)

After obtaining a B.S. in bioengineering from the University of Washington, Lael joined the lab as a Ph.D. student in the OSU bioengineering graduate program. For her Ph.D. work, Lael developed and characterized a colorimetric device for phenylalanine monitoring in blood, as well as a device for carbamazepine quantification in saliva for therapy monitoring. Lael completed her Ph.D in bioengineering in September 2022. Lael continued on as a post-doc in the lab working on a collaborative project with HP. She is an author on six publications from the lab.


The goal of the Fu Lab is to advance the engineering of novel microfluidic tools and devices for field use through improving our understanding of the devices' underlying physicochemical processes.

Fu lab research

Research in the lab consists of three areas of focus: the investigation of molecular interactions and fluid transport in microfluidic systems, the development of tools and methods for use in high-performance microfluidic assays, and the implementation of microfluidic assays for clinically relevant analytes, with a focus on capillarity-based systems. Global health application domains of interest include human disease diagnosis, veterinary medicine, environmental monitoring, and agriculture.

Examples of our collaborative work in flow tools development:

examples of flow tools

Examples of our collaborative work in fabrication methods:

examples of fabrication work

Examples of our collaborative work in developing novel devices:

example projects


Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. N. Lefevre, K. Khederlou, S.A. Ramsey, and E. Fu, Electrochemical signal quantification in saliva: investigation of signal analysis methods, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, doi.org/10.1007/s10800-024-02153-5 (2024).

2. K. Hallerbach, K. Khederlou, L. Wentland, S. Brentano, B. Keefe, and E. Fu, Protein-based anchoring methods for nucleic acid capture in a lateral flow format, Micromachines, doi: 10.3390/mi14101936 (2023).

3. E. Fu, K. Khederlou, N. Lefevre, S.A. Ramsey, M.L. Johnston, and L. Wentland, Progress on electrochemical sensing of pharmaceutical drugs in complex biofluids, Chemosensors, doi:10.3390/chemosensors11080467 (2023).

4. A. Switalla, L. Wentland, and E. Fu, 3D printing-based microfluidic devices in fabric, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, doi:10.1088/1361-6439/acaff1 (2023).

5. L. Wentland, J. Cook, J. Minzlaff, S. A. Ramsey, M. Johnston, and E. Fu, Field use device for the electrochemical quantification of carbamazepine levels in a background of human saliva, Jounal of Applied Electrochemistry, doi:10.1007/s10800-022-01785-9 (2022).

6. L. Wentland, C. Downs, and E. Fu, Comparison of signal enhancement strategies for carbamazepine detection in undiluted human saliva using an electrochemical sensor with stencil-printed carbon electrodes, Analytical Methods 14, 3103-3114 (2022).

7. E. Fu and L. Wentland, A survey of 3D printing technology applied to paper microfluidics, Lab on a Chip 22, 9-25 (2022).

8. L. Wentland, R. Polaski, and E. Fu, Dry storage of multiple reagent types within a paper microfluidic device for phenylalanine monitoring, Analytical Methods 13, 660-671 (2021).

9. C. Downs, M. Milovancev, and E. Fu, Rational design and characterization of a lateral flow assay for canine C-reactive protein in wound exudate, Talanta 220, 121319 (2020).

10. L. Wentland, R. Polaski, and E. Fu, Characterization methods in porous materials for the rational design of multi-step processing in the context of a paper microfluidic phenylalanine test, Analytical Methods 12, 768-780 (2020).

11. C. Downs, A. Nejely, and E. Fu, Integrated wax valve for robust fluid control in an electrochemical fabric-based device, Analytical Methods 11, 5098-5017 (2019).

12. C. Downs, A. Nejely, and E. Fu, Disposable fabric-based electrochemical sensors fabricated from wax-transfer-printed fluidic cells and stencil-printed electrodes, Analytical Methods 10, 3696-3703 (2018).

13. C. Anderson, C. Holstein, E. Strauch, S. Bennett, A. Chevalier, J. Nelson, E. Fu, D. Baker, and P. Yager, Rapid Diagnostic Assay for Intact Influenza Virus Using a High Affinity Hemagglutinin Binding Protein, Analytical Chemistry 89, 6608-6615 (2017).

14. J. Imdieke and E. Fu, Porous stamp-based reagent patterning for lateral flow assays, accepted to Analytical Methods 9, 2751-2756 (2017).

15. S. Huang, K. Abe, S. Bennett, T. Liang, P. Ladd, L. Yokobe, C. Anderson, K. Shah, J. Bishop, M. Purfield, P. Kauffman, S. Paul, A. Welch, B. Strelitz, K. Follmer, K. Pullar, L. Sanchez-Erebia, E. Gerth-Guyette, G. Domingo, E. Klein, J. Englund, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Disposable Autonomous Device for Rapid Swab-to-Result Diagnosis of Influenza, Analytical Chemistry 89, 5776-5783 (2017).

16. A. To, C. Downs, and E. Fu, Wax transfer printing to enable robust boundary definition in devices based on non-standard porous materials, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 27, 057001 (6pp) (2017).

17. E. Fu and C. Downs, Progress in the development and integration of fluid flow control tools in paper microfluidics, Lab on a Chip 17, 614-628 (2017).

18. T. Liang, R. Robinson, J. Houghtaling, G. Fridley, S. A. Ramsey, and E. Fu, Investigation of Reagent Delivery Formats in a Multivalent Malaria Sandwich Immunoassay and Implications for Assay Performance, Analytical Chemistry 88, 2311-2323 (2016).

19. R. Robinson, L. Wong, R. J. Monnat Jr., and E. Fu, Development of a Whole Blood Paper-Based Device for Phenylalanine Detection in the Context of PKU Therapy Monitoring, Micromachines 7, 28-37 (2016).

20. C.A. Holstein, A. Chevalier, S. Bennett, C.E. Anderson, K. Keniston, C. Olsen, B. Li, B. Bales, D.R. Moore, E. Fu, D. Baker, and P. Yager, Immobilizing Affinity Proteins to Nitrocellulose: A Toolbox for Paper-Based Assay Developers, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408, 1335-1346 (2015).

21. B. Toley, J. Wang, M. Gupta, J. Buser, L. Lafleur, B. Lutz, E. Fu, and P. Yager, A versatile valving toolkit for automating fluidic operations in paper microfluidic devices, Lab on a Chip 15, 1432-1444 (2015).

22. G. Thiessen, R. Robinson, K. De Los Reyes, R. Monnat, and E. Fu, Conversion of a laboratory-based test for phenylalanine detection to a simple paper-based format and implications for PKU screening in low resource settings, Analyst 140, 609-615 (2015).

23. E. Fu, Enabling robust quantitative readout in an equipment-free model of device development, Analyst 139, 4750-4757 (2014).

24. S. Ramachandran, E. Fu, B. Lutz, and P. Yager, Long-term dry storage of an enzyme-based reagent system for ELISA in point-of-care devices, Analyst 139, 1456-1462 (2014).

25. B. Toley, B. McKenzie, T. Liang, J. Buser, P. Yager, and E. Fu, Tunable-delay shunts for paper microfluidic devices, Analytical Chemistry 85, 11545-11552 (2013).

26. J. Houghtaling, T. Liang, G. Thiessen, and E. Fu, Dissolvable bridges for manipulating fluid volumes in paper networks, Analytical Chemistry 85, 11201-11204 (2013).

27. S. Byrnes, G. Thiessen, and E. Fu, Progress in the development of paper-based diagnostics for low-resource point-of-care settings, Bioanalysis 5, 2821-2836 (2013).

28. P. Spicar-Mihalic, B. Toley, J. Houghtaling, T. Liang, P. Yager, and E. Fu, CO2 laser cutting and ablative etching for the fabrication of paper-based devices, Journal of Micromachining and Microengineering 23, 067003 (2013).

29. B. Lutz, T. Liang, E. Fu, S. Ramachandran, P. Kaffman, and P. Yager, Dissolvable fluidic time delays for programming multi-step assays in instrument-free paper diagnostics, Lab on a Chip 13, 2840-2847 (2013).

30. G. Fridley, H. Le, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Controlled release of dry reagents in porous media for tunable temporal and spatial distribution upon rehydration, Lab on a Chip 12, 4321-4327 (2012).

31. E. Fu, T. Liang, P. Spicar-Mihalic, J. Houghtaling, S. Ramachandran, and P. Yager, A two-dimensional paper network format that enables simple multi-step assays for use in low-resource settings in the context of malaria antigen detection, Analytical Chemistry 84, 4574-4579 (2012).

32. E. Fu, T. Liang, J. Houghtaling, S. Ramachandran, S. Ramsey, B. Lutz, and P. Yager, Enhanced sensitivity of lateral flow tests using at two-dimensional paper network format, Analytical Chemistry 83, 7941-7946 (2011).

33. B. Lutz, P. Trinh, C. Ball, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Two-dimensional paper networks: programmable fluidic disconnects for multi-step processes in shaped paper. Lab on a Chip 11, 4274-4278 (2011).

34. E. Fu, S. A. Ramsey, P. Kauffman, B. Lutz, and P. Yager, Transport in two-dimensional paper networks, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 10, 29-35 (2011).

35. J. Osborn, B. Lutz, E. Fu, P. Kauffman, D. Stevens, and P. Yager, Microfluidics without pumps: translating adjacent flows onto paper networks, Lab on a Chip 10, 2659-2665 (2010).

36. P. Kauffman, E. Fu, B. Lutz, and P. Yager, Visualization and measurement of flow in two-dimensional paper networks, Lab on a Chip 10, 2614-2617 (2010).

37. E. Fu, P. Kauffman, B. Lutz, and P. Yager, Chemical signal amplification in two-dimensional paper networks, Sensors and Actuators B 149, 325-328 (2010).

38. E. Fu, B. Lutz, P. Kauffman, P. Yager, Controlled reagent transport in disposable 2D paper networks, Lab on a Chip 10, 918-920 (2010).

39. E. Fu, K. E. Nelson, S. A. Ramsey, J. O. Foley, K. Helton, P. Yager, Modeling of a competitive microfluidic heterogeneous immunoassay: sensitivity of the assay response to varying system parameters, Analytical Chemistry 81, 3407-3413 (2009).

40. K. Helton, K. Nelson, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Conditioning saliva for use in a microfluidic sensor, Lab on a Chip 8, 1847-1851 (2008).

41. M. Hasenbank, T. Edwards, E. Fu, R. Garzon, T. Kosar, M. Look, A. Mashadi-Hossein, and P. Yager, Demonstration of multi-analyte patterning using piezoelectric inkjet printing of multiple layers, Analytica Chimica Acta 611, 80-88 (2008).

42. J. Foley, A. Mashadi-Hossein, E. Fu, B. Finlayson, and P. Yager, Experimental and model investigation of the time-dependent 2-dimensional distribution of binding in a herringbone microchannel, Lab on a Chip 8, 557-564 (2008).

43. J. Foley, E. Fu, L. Gamble, and P. Yager, Microcontact printed antibodies on gold surfaces: Function, uniformity, and silicone contamination, Langmuir 24, 3628-3635 (2008).

44. E. Fu, S. A. Ramsey, P. Yager, Dependence of the signal amplification potential of colloidal gold nanoparticles on resonance wavelength in surface plasmon resonance-based detection, Analytica Chimica Acta 599, 118-123 (2007).

45. M. Hasenbank, E. Fu, J. Nelson, D. Schwartz, and P. Yager, Investigation of heterogeneous electrochemical processes using multi-stream laminar flow in a microchannel, Lab on a Chip 7, 441-447 (2007).

46. K. Hawkins, M. Steedman, R. Baldwin, E. Fu, S. Ghosal, and P. Yager, A method for characterizing adsorption of flowing solutes to microfluidic surfaces, Lab on a Chip 7, 281-285 (2007).

47. T. Chinowsky, M. Grow, K. Johnston, K. Nelson, T. Edwards, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Compact surface plasmon resonance imaging system for saliva-based medical diagnostics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22, 2208-2215 (2007).

48. E. Fu, S. Ramsey, J. Chen, T. Chinowsky, B. Wiley, Y. Xia, and P. Yager, Resonance wavelength-dependent signal of absorptive particles in surface plasmon resonance-based detection, Sensors and Actuators B 123, 606-613 (2007).

49. M. Hasenbank, E. Fu, and P. Yager, Lateral spread of an amplification signal using an enzymatic system on a conductive surface, Langmuir 22, 7451-7453 (2006).

50. E. Fu, S. Ramsey, R. Thariani, and P. Yager, One-dimensional surface plasmon resonance imaging system using wavelength interrogation, Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 076106 (2006).

51. P. Yager, T. Edwards, E. Fu, K. Helton, K. Nelson, M. Tam, and B. Weigl, Microfluidic diagnostic technologies for global public health, Nature 442, 412-418 (2006). Cited by 736.

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60. Y.-N. Yang, E. S. Fu, and E. D. Williams, An STM study of current-induced step bunching on Si(111), Surface Science 356, 101-111 (1996).

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© Elain Fu