[My ugly mug] Welcome to my web pages. I am a Professor in the School of MIME. I am affiliated with the Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CORiS) group, Human-Centered computing, and Graphics and Visualization. Previously, I was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. If there's something that you're interested in, or want to know, and it's not on these pages, then send me email and ask.

My CV.

12/1/2020 We are currently hiring: for a post-doc position in robotics OR graphics/visualization to work on a CISE NSF Infrastructure grant for benchmarking grasping and manipulation. I'm looking for a graphics/visualization person interested in learning more robotics OR a robotics grasping/manipulation person looking to learn more about HCI and Visualization. More information here, including the formal link to apply. Please feel free to contact me directly to find out more about the position before formally applying.

My background is in computer science, specifically computer graphics and surface modeling. However, over the years I've delved into human computer interfaces, surface modeling for biological applications, bat sonar, art-based rendering, 3D sketching, and understanding how people perform 3D segmentation of volumetric data.

Currently, I have active research projects in the following areas:


It's that time of year again, when I receive many emails asking if I have space in my research group, a PhD position, or will you please read my CV. I do not answer these emails. All applicants must go through the admissions process; I do not make individual hiring decisions. Your application will be reviewed and ranked by a group of faculty, at which point the top applicants will be selected.

If you have a specific question about the kinds of research I do, please feel free to ask; put RQ: in the subject line. If you are an undergraduate or graduate student at OSU, please feel free to make an appointment to come talk to me. I have many projects that are suitable for undergradautes.

What's New?

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I have added a zip file of the materials we use for our NSF REU site Web page, paper, and slides and templates.

My calendar. I am generally "at work" from 8:30-10:30 and 12:30-4:30 every day.

My advice on how not to write an NSF grant.

My suggestions on how to survive flying with one or more children.

Source code in Sourceforge for mesh processing, feature finding, and surface normals from point clouds.

Curvature paper data files.

Volume Viewer, a user-friendly, 3D image segmentation program.

C++ notes for people who know the syntax but are looking for a bit of practical suggestions and information on what actually happens in the compiler and linker.

The Siggraph course material: