CS 453/553 -- Spring Quarter 2019

Project #3: ParaView Scalar Visualization

100 Points

Due: April 23

This page was last updated: April 18, 2019

The Scenario

You have run a temperature simulation of a 3D room that has 4 heat sources. You are given the temperature data from the simulation at each node in a 3D grid. You will be creating several visualizations to understand the distribution of temperatures within the 3D room.

You can use the same data from the scenario in Project #1. However, you don't have to use this data (i.e., created from the equation) if you have some other data you would prefer to use.

If you want to use the same data from the Project #1 equation, come get scalar.csv


Using ParaView,

  1. Display the data using glyphs

  2. Display the data using colored cutting planes

  3. Display the data using contour lines

  4. Display the data using isosurfaces

  5. Pick an appropriate color transfer function to apply to all visualizations.

The Turn-in:

Your turn-in will be a PDF report showing me images of the following:

  1. Your glyph display
  2. Your colored cutting plane display
  3. Your contour line display
  4. Your isosurace display

Use the same color transfer function for each so I can relate them all to each other.

Also, tell me what color transfer function you chose to use and why. There is no right or wrong answer here, I am just curious why you chose what you chose.

If you used your own data, tell me about it! What is it? Where did it come from? What are trying to use it to show?

You don't need to create a video for this project.

+5 Points Extra Credit:

Using one (or more) of your visualizations, generate stereopairs. I have a handheld stereoviewer you can use to try the stereopair images out in. Use this PowerPoint slide to lay your images on, then print the page, and cut them out. Bring them to my office.

ParaView Notes

The Scalar Visualization portion of the ParaView notes (the parts that you will need, anyway) are on slides 21- 26 and slides 34 - 52.
The Choosing Colors portion of the ParaView notes are on slides 27- 33.
The Saving Images and Stereographics portions of the ParaView notes are on slides 110 - 117.


Item Points
Correct colored glyphs display 25
Correct colored plane display 25
Correct contour line display 25
Correct isosurface display 25
Extra Credit: Stereopair display +5
Potential Total 105