"------------------------------------------------- " Rename to .vimrc and put in home directory " Thanks to Chris Wallace for her .vimrc " (I got rid of white "background" between tab blocks " and at the ends of lines by changing text colors under Edit -> Settings) " R. Traylor 1.14.2022 "------------------------------------------------- "------------ editor behavior block ------------------ set ruler " show curser position at all times set sw=4 " Use 4 spaces when text is indented "set tabstop=4 " sets how many spaces a tab is "set ai " auto indent "set expandtab " tabs converted to spaces, uncomment when needed set incsearch " incremental search set nohlsearch " no highlight on searching set nowrap " no text wraps set backspace=indent,eol,start " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode set term=ansi " set noerrorbells " do not beep on errors set ttyfast " Smoother scrolling "set mouse=a " have mouse enabled at all time set virtualedit=all " allows curser to roam freely set backspace=2 " allows backspacing over everything set showmode " show current mode you are in set showcmd " display incomplete commands set showmatch " show matching braces set undolevels=500 " set the number of undo's set novisualbell " no sound on error set title " Shows title in console window set ls=2 " always show status line "set foldmethod=marker " fold method using markers "-------------- Spell checking block --------- "-------------- backup block ------------------ "------------ Graphical block ----------------- syntax on " Turns on syntax highlighting " available colorschemes include: morning, elflord, desert, murphay, " pablo, koehler, shine, torte, zellner, darkblue, evening " Try a new one by getting out of insert mode and typing ":colors colorSchemeName " Make it always come up by editing the following line. "colorscheme evening "set nu " Line numbers " Key bindings :autocmd FileType mail :nmap :w:!aspell -e -c %:e