To install the AVR environment in Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Create a directory called /opt to place the downloaded AVR tools.
    Do this by typing:
     sudo mkdir /opt 
  2. Then, download all the tools by first going to Microchip's well-hidden website:
    AVR and Arm Toolchains (C Compilers)

  3. Scroll down to GCC Compilers for AVR and Arm-Based Devices.
    Select the link: AVR 8-bit Toolchain (Linux) 3.7.0
    Click on it to download the file:
  4. Once downloaded, move the file into the /opt directory you created.
    sudo mv avr8-gnu-toolchain-  /opt
    Hint: Use file completion to prevent errors

  5. Within /opt, unzip and untar the file with:
    sudo tar zvxf avr8-gnu-toolchain-
  6. If not installed, install
     sudo apt-get install vim 
  7. Now, we need to tell your system where to look for these tools. To do this,
    we alter your $PATH variable. Do this by editing the file
    That's a tilde, not a hyphen. At the bottom of the file, add this line:
    export PATH=/opt/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64/bin:$PATH
    This prepends the new path to the avr executables to your existing $PATH.

  8. This change will not be recognized by the OS until you rerun the .bashrc file
    or logout and back in again. To avoid this:.
    cd; source $HOME/.bashrc
  9. Download and install the programmer utility avrdude 6.3.
     sudo apt-get install avrdude
    Ubuntu automatically knows to look where avrdude will be installed.