ECE 474 Homework 3 Verilog combinatorial circuits --Background-- We are learning about many of the synthesizable Verilog constructs for creating combinatorial circuits. This exercise will give us an opportunity to start using these constructs with synthesis. We will create a multifunction ALU with 11 opcodes. It will have two 8-bit operand inputs, an 8-bit output, plus outputs for a zero indication and carry. The opcodes will be supplied by one 4-bit bus. Work to do: 1) Create a hw3 working directory. Remember to copy .synopsys_dc.setup into it. Create a work directory. Make a rtl_src directory where your source file will be placed. 2) Create the ALU with the filename The module _must_ look as follows: module alu( input [7:0] in_a , //input a input [7:0] in_b , //input b input [3:0] opcode , //opcode input output reg [7:0] alu_out , //alu output output reg alu_zero , //logic '1' when alu_output [7:0] is all zeros output reg alu_carry //indicates a carry out from ALU ); endmodule Declare all the opcodes in the module as follows. parameter c_add = 4'h1; parameter c_sub = 4'h2; parameter c_inc = 4'h3; parameter declaration for an opcode... parameter declaration for an opcode... ... Note the use of the prefix "c_" to mark the identifier as a constant. The opcodes for the ALU are as follows: c_add in_a + in_b c_sub in_a - in_b c_inc in_a + 1 c_dec in_a - 1 c_or in_a OR in_b c_and in_a AND in_b c_xor in_a XOR in_b c_shr in_a is shifted one place right, zero shifted in c_shl in_a is shifted one place left, zero shifted in c_onescomp in_a gets "ones complemented" c_twoscomp in_a gets "twos complemented" The value of carry is as follows: -arithmetic operation : includes: c_add, c_sub, c_inc, c_dec, c_twoscomp : set if operation results in a carry to the 9th bit -non-arithmetic operation : zero -shift left : set to the value of the MSB bit that was shifted out The signal alu_zero should propagate X if alu_out has any bits that are X. 3) Compile and simulate it to determine it works correctly by creating a input stimulus do file by hand. The stimulus file should apply the operands and opcodes to test your alu. Both valid and invalid opcodes should be supplied. Run a RTL simulation that shows correct operation. Print the waveform from vsim using hex format for signals. 4) Now synthesize the RTL and produce the gate level design. Determine the following and put your answers on a separate sheet: a. Find the total area used by the alu. (report_area command) b. How many different types of cells (gates) were utilized : (report_hierarchy command) c. Number of cells (gates). This will require using the report_area command as well as looking at the cell library databook. It is located at: /nfs/guille/a1/cadlibs/synop_lib/SAED_EDK90nm/Digital_Standard_Cell_Library/doc/databook Its is called SAED Digital Standard Cell Library_Rev1_4_20. Its is a pdf file but has no .pdf on it. Search for the cell "NAND2X1" and record the area. (pg 34) Divide the total area reported by design_vision by this number to get the gate equivalent count. d. The synthesis tool will most likely introduce a hierarchical block to your design because it recognized something in your design. What is the block and what does it do? What style of implementation was chosen for this element? Hint: see report_hierarchy output e. What was the maximum delay path through the alu and what were the beginning and endpoints for the max delay path?: (report_timing command) What to turn in: 1. Your Verilog code 2. Turn in the schematic of your synthesized alu 3. The waveform of your code working correctly at both RTL and gate levels. 4. The sheet with your written answers from part 4 above. On this sheet, describe any problems or issues your design had. Grading -Verilog coding and correct operation 70% -RTL matches gates for valid opcodes and operands (-10%) -no latches in design (-10%) -waveform printout 10% -Written answers (part 4, a-e) 20%