ECE 474 Homework 5 GCD engine - Designing with simple data and a mealy state machine Your task for this homework is to implement Euclid's greatest common divisor (GCD) algorithm in synthesizble system verilog. It will have two 32-bit inputs and one 32-bit output. It will be clocked by a single clock and have an asynchonous active low reset input. The input values will be validated with a start input and the rising edge of the clock. The output is validated with a one-cycle-wide done signal that is synchronous to the clock. Work to do: 1) Code your GCD engine using the module template shown below: It MUST be defined at its top level and named as shown below: module gcd( input [31:0] a_in, //operand a input [31:0] b_in, //operand b input start, //validates the input data input reset_n, //reset input clk, //clock output reg [31:0] result, //output of GCD engine output reg done); //validates output value 2) Test your gcd module using the supplied testbench to insure answers. A testbench that you can use to test the functionality will be posted for your aid in debugging. What to turn in: An untared, unzipped file ( to TEACH by the due date. Submitted physically in class on the due date: -a copy of your verilog code (a2ps only) -your timing diagram and state machine diagram Grading -Correct operation of gcd -90% -Code cleanliness, coding efficiency, style -10%