The Product Delivery Process is made up of the following key components:
The Management Decision Process (MDP) provides guidance for the management and control of D&M product programs through all phases of the product life cycle. Although the process is continuous, MDP identifies seven distinct phases. This process phasing establishes the decision points at which management review and approval control will be exercised, and incorporates the key linkage requirements with both Technology Generation and CDP.
The phases of the Management Decision Process product life cycle, and their output requirements are described here.
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The Management Decision Process helps PDTs understand what needs to be accomplished within each phase of the program -- or, in other words, where they need to go and by when. At the same time it provides management with the information it needs to make decisions to release funds and resources for a program to proceed to the next phase. These decisions are made during each of the phase transfer reviews. Each review provides a program status and data concerning accomplishment of specified outputs called phase transfer criteria. In preparation for certain phase transfer reviews an independent Product Assurance Assessment is conducted by the D&M Quality office with the PDT to determine program readiness to enter the next PDP phase. Each of these MDP reviews provide the review points for both the PDT and management to determine program progress to date as well as plans for the next phase. This allows for the PDT to conduct their own self assessment as well as provide important information to management to facilitate good business decisions.
If MDP helps PDTs understand where they need to go, then process elements identify what they need to do to get there. Process elements are the detailed descriptions of what needs to be done on a program from Pre-Concept to Maintenance on one particular area of specialization. A list of current process elements can be found below. Each element defines work steps, inputs and process outputs required to meet the phase deliverables. Integration of the process elements has been carefully coordinated to identify the sequence and timing of activities so that major program deliverables are accomplished.
It is the integration of the Management Decision Process and the process elements that combine to make up the structure of the Product Delivery Process.
The figure below illustrates the key components of the Product Delivery Process: life cycle phases, phase transfer reviews, review objectives, process elements, phase deliverables, and process enablers.
In order to successfully implement any process there are enablers that facilitate and aid use of the process. The process enablers for PDP include documentation, organization effectiveness and the network of computer systems.
The PDP documentation provides information to a wide variety of users at many levels of detail ranging from process overview to element specific information. Distribution of the documentation is made in conjunction with completed PDP training courses. Information is provided in the following documents:
The first release of PDP documentation is available in hard copy. A full electronic documentation system is being developed and is expected to be operational by 1990.
One key to the ongoing success of a process as complex as PDP is teamwork. Organization effectiveness supports teamwork by implementing the following actions:
While building on the foundations provided by Leadership Through Quality, Competitive Benchmarking, and Employee Involvement, PDP presents further challenges to the organization for changes in the way wo do business.
The goal of the Management Support strategy is to gain the support and visible role modeling of upper and middle managers in facilitating acceptance and adoption of PDP by PDT members.
This document is one of the first steps in providing all D&M employees with a basic understanding about PDP -- what it is, where we are, and where we are going.
The process of desining and delivering a product to the marketplace generates a vast amount of information which is an essential resource to the Product Delivery Teams. Timely exchange of this information among all the people on a program requires a data processing environment where the network computer systems "talk" to each other.
Our goal for systems that support PDP is to provide an integrated and efficient computer environment for design and production. We are not there yet. Many systems are not integrated. Work is underway to identify which systems are available today to support PDP, as well as what systems are still needed. To date, over 30 major computer systems have been linked to each other out of 100 different computer applications and databases used by PDTs.
In the short term PDP will help us specify the computer systems required to support the process today. Our long range goal is to have in place by the 1990's an integrated, efficient and common computer system approach to make software, tools and databases available to all PDTs.