I play with robots and stuff

About Me

Connor Yates Headshot

I am a PhD student at Oregon State University, studying Robotics in the Autonomous Agents and Distributed Intelligence (AADI) laboratory. My research currently focuses on how robots in teams can infer the intent of other robots and leverage that to learn to coordinate faster.

Robotics at OSU strives to be a collaborative envrionment. If you are interested in the program, or in joinig us, check out the CoRIS Institiute website at robotics.oregonstate.edu.

I am an avid proponent of open source programs and hardware, and have several old computers and Raspberry Pi’s running variants of Linux. Someday I'll put them to good use... In my spare time, I like to bake excessive amounts of cookies and try to finish all the projects I start.

Education and Experience

My graduated magna cum laude with my Honors degree in Compter Science from Oregon state university in spring 2017, with a 3.84 GPA.

You can check out my GitHub account to see research and personal projects.

My Resume (.pdf) (.tex on GitHub). Feel free to use the LaTeX template for your own uses.

Find me

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