CS 519 Winter 2015 (Tentative) Schedule
This schedule will grow and change throughout the course, so check back regularly, and be sure to hit REFRESH to make sure you have the most recent version.
- Week 1 (1/6 & 1/8): Introduction: What are personas, persona lifecycle, how do you design/use them, what do people say about them.
- Read textbook Chapters 1-2.
- Read Pruitt/Grudin DUX'03 paper. (Pruitt, John, and Jonathan Grudin. "Personas: practice and theory." In Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Designing for user experiences, pp. 1-15. ACM, 2003.)
- Look over Appendix B & C with an eye toward HW #1.
- Tu: Assignment of HW #1 temporary team.
- Tu: Discussion of project possibilities.
- Week 2 (1/13 & 1/15): Introduction (cont.), Persona "family planning"
- Tu: More on project possibilities, Project roles, Team skills inventory activity.
- Read textbook Chapter 3.
- HW #1 is due Tu 1/13, in class. Bring hardcopy and we'll discuss in class. Also email to Dr. Burnett with "HW 1" in your subject line.
- Week 3 (1/20 & 1/22): Persona "conception & gestation"
- Tu: Project installment 1 is NOT due: project name, team, access, and "family planning" stage -- but bring what you have to class so that we can discuss!
- Tu: Group discussion of the projects/lifecycles. Conception & gestation
- Read textbook Chapter 4 ("conception & gestation")
- Th: no class (Dr. Burnett attending an NSF meeting).
- Friday midnight: Project installment 1 is actually due. (email to Dr. Burnett)
- Week 4 (1/27 & 1/29): Persona "conception/gestation", (cont.)
- Week 5 (2/3 & 2/5): Persona "birth/maturation"
- Week 6 (2/10 & 2/12): Persona "birth/maturation" (cont.)
- Tu: Birth/Maturation sharing day: bring whatever you've done on birth/maturation to share with the class. We'll spread them out all over the room. You'll need part of your Lifecycle Plan too (from installment 1) to show what problem you're trying to solve with your personas.
- Midterm is Thursday. Open book/open notes. Sample questions. Covers material through Week 5.
- Week 7 (2/17 & 2/19): Persona adulthood
- Week 8 (2/24 & 2/26): Persona adulthood (cont.)
- Tu: Adulthood discussion day: bring however far you are in your Adulthood phase to class, especially problems and so on, and we'll brainstorm. (Adulthood might or might not be the sort of thing that obviously "spreads out" all over the space, but spread out what you can, even if it's just a list of problems.)
- Th: HW 2 is due, hardcopy in class plus emailed to Dr. B. Persona controversies/insights from the research literature.
- Week 9 (3/3 & 3/5): TBA
- Week 10 (3/10 & 3/12): Final presentations of your term projects. Each should be 20 minutes + 5 minutes for QA.
- Presentations by: Tahmid "wiki" team, Michael S. "intelligent email" team
- Presentations by: Jon "electrical usage" team, Iftekar "static analysis" team, Sean Priv.ly team
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Margaret M. Burnett
Date of last update: March 12, 2015