IEEE Symposium
on Visual Languages
Seattle, Washington
September 10-14, 2000
VL 2000: Preview of Reviewer Questionnaires
We are still finalizing the questionnaires that the reviewers will
fill out in judging the paper submissions, but here is the preliminary
version. By reading over these questionnaires and thinking about
how well your paper will fare on these questions, you may be able
to find ways to improve the chances of getting your paper

Original research papers should make clear what new contribution
the work makes to visual languages, and how the work differs from
related works. If this research is an incremental improvement over
similar, previously-published research by the same authors, the paper
should be explicit about what it contributes beyond the earlier
- In your opinion, what is the topic of this paper?
(Check all that apply):
- Visual programming languages
- Software visualization and animation
- End-user programming
- Demonstrational languages
- HCI issues for visual languages
- Visual languages for computer-based human communication
- Visual database languages
- Theory of visual languages
- Empirical studies and evaluations
- Visual software engineering
- Some other relevant topic (please specify): ___________
- Not a relevant topic (please specify): ___________
- Is the paper 8 pages or less, 2-column, approximately IEEE conference style? (Note, if not, the paper will not be reviewed. To be reviewed, a
paper must conform with submission length
requirements, including as they affect length any
specification of number of pages, treatment of figures and
tables, margins, font sizes, and line spacing.)