IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages
Seattle, Washington September 10-14, 2000 |
An OO Visual Language Definition Approach Supporting Multiple Views (poster) |
David Akehurst (University of Kent at Canterbury ) |
Efficient Parsing of Visual Languages based on Critical Pair Analysis and Contextual Layered Graph Transformation (poster) |
Paolo Bottoni and Gabriele Taentzer (University of Rome, Italy ) |
Andy Schuerr (University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany ) |
VOODE/VOOPL-1: The Visual Construction of CORBA Components (poster) |
Frank Buehler, Paul Luker and Mike Callaghan (De Montfort University, England ) |
CAIL: A prototype for a Computer Assisted Iconic Language (poster) |
Bernard Champoux (ATR Media Integration & Communication Laboratories, Japan ) |
Martin David (Kyoto University, Japan ) |
Alain Huot (McGill University, Canada ) |
Yuichi Iwadate (ATR MIC 3 Laboratories, Japan ) |
Incorporating Image Segmentations Into a Visual Query Language for Content-Based Image Retrieval (poster) |
Luigi Cinque, Fabio Lecca and Stefano Levialdi (University of Rome ``La Sapienza,'' Italy ) |
Steven Tanimoto (University of Washington, USA ) |
Visual Representation of Procedural Knowledge (poster) |
Roger Hartley and Heather D. Pfeiffer (New Mexico State University, USA ) |
Towards Typed Generic Rule-Based Visual Programming (poster) |
Berthold Hoffmann (Universitat Bremen, Germany ) |
Mark Minas (Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany ) |
SALSA and ALVIS: A Language and System for Constructing and Presenting Low Fidelity Algorithm Visualizations (poster) |
Christopher Hundhausen (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA ) |
Sarah A. Douglas (University of Oregon ) |
Improving Readability in a Visual Language with a VLSI-Like Approach (poster) |
Bertrand Ibrahim, Honitriniela Randriamparany and Hidenori Yoshizumi (University of Geneva, Switzerland ) |
A Pattern-Based Generator for Implementation of Visual Languages (poster) |
Matthias Jung, Uwe Kastens, Christian Schindler and Carsten Schmidt (University of Paderborn, Germany ) |
A Visual Modelling Language for Distributed Geographic Information Systems (poster) |
Ahmed Lbath and Francois Pinet (INSA Lyon, France ) |
A Visual Framework for the Scripting of Parallel Evolving Agents (poster) |
Wolfgang Mueller, Arne Meyer and Henning Zabel (C-Lab, Germany ) |
Visual Construction of Algebraic Specifications (poster) |
Duncan Neary and Martin R. Woodward (University of Liverpool, UK ) |
Generation and Evaluation of Glyphs Representing Superclass-subclass Relationships (poster) |
Noritaka Osawa (National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan ) |
A Data-Flow Visual Approach to Symbolic Computing: Implementing a Production-Rule-Based Programming System through a General-Purpose Data-Flow VL (poster) |
Marco Porta, Mosconi Mauro (Università di Pavia, Italy ) |
Learning and Reuse of a Visual Programming Language (poster) |
Mary Beth Rosson, Cheryl Seals (Virginia Tech, USA ) |
Lower Floor, Lower Ceiling: Easily Programming Turtle-Graphics (poster) |
Robert Sheehan (University of Auckland, New Zealand ) |
Video Description by Automatic Content Extraction (poster) |
Guido Tascini, Anna Montesanto and Roberto Paolmbo (Ancona University, Italy ) |
Composing Motion Grammar of Kinetic Typography (poster) |
Yasufumi Uekita and Junji Sakamoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan ) |
Masahiko Furukata (International Media Research Foundation, Japan ) |
Promoting Scalability in a Concurrent Visual Language (poster) |
Michelle Usher and David Jackson (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ) |
Structured Interactive Animation for Multimedia Documents (poster) |
Dan Vodislav (CNAM/CEDRIC, France ) |
Michalis Vazirgiannis (Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece ) |
Using a Visual Software Engineering Language for Specifying and Analysing Workflows (poster) |
Guido Wirtz (Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Germany ) |
AR-browser: Active Reading for WWW Contents (poster) |
Atsuo Yoshitaka, Tomokazu Uehara, Tadao Ichikawa and Masahito Hirakawa (Hiroshima University, Japan ) |