IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages

Seattle, Washington
September 10-14, 2000

Advance Program

Session III: Poster Presentations

Chair: Masahito Hirakawa (Hiroshima University, Japan)

This session contains quick previews of the posters that will be displayed later during the Monday evening reception. These presentation previews give attendees the opportunity to learn which posters are closest to their interests, so that they can seek out those authors for further interaction during the Monday evening Posters and Informal Demos reception.

Monday, September 11, 3:30 PM

An OO Visual Language Definition Approach Supporting Multiple Views (poster)
David Akehurst (University of Kent at Canterbury )

Efficient Parsing of Visual Languages based on Critical Pair Analysis and Contextual Layered Graph Transformation (poster)
Paolo Bottoni and Gabriele Taentzer (University of Rome, Italy )
Andy Schuerr (University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany )

VOODE/VOOPL-1: The Visual Construction of CORBA Components (poster)
Frank Buehler, Paul Luker and Mike Callaghan (De Montfort University, England )

CAIL: A prototype for a Computer Assisted Iconic Language (poster)
Bernard Champoux (ATR Media Integration & Communication Laboratories, Japan )
Martin David (Kyoto University, Japan )
Alain Huot (McGill University, Canada )
Yuichi Iwadate (ATR MIC 3 Laboratories, Japan )

Incorporating Image Segmentations Into a Visual Query Language for Content-Based Image Retrieval (poster)
Luigi Cinque, Fabio Lecca and Stefano Levialdi (University of Rome ``La Sapienza,'' Italy )
Steven Tanimoto (University of Washington, USA )

Visual Representation of Procedural Knowledge (poster)
Roger Hartley and Heather D. Pfeiffer (New Mexico State University, USA )

Towards Typed Generic Rule-Based Visual Programming (poster)
Berthold Hoffmann (Universitat Bremen, Germany )
Mark Minas (Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany )

SALSA and ALVIS: A Language and System for Constructing and Presenting Low Fidelity Algorithm Visualizations (poster)
Christopher Hundhausen (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA )
Sarah A. Douglas (University of Oregon )

Improving Readability in a Visual Language with a VLSI-Like Approach (poster)
Bertrand Ibrahim, Honitriniela Randriamparany and Hidenori Yoshizumi (University of Geneva, Switzerland )

A Pattern-Based Generator for Implementation of Visual Languages (poster)
Matthias Jung, Uwe Kastens, Christian Schindler and Carsten Schmidt (University of Paderborn, Germany )

A Visual Modelling Language for Distributed Geographic Information Systems (poster)
Ahmed Lbath and Francois Pinet (INSA Lyon, France )

A Visual Framework for the Scripting of Parallel Evolving Agents (poster)
Wolfgang Mueller, Arne Meyer and Henning Zabel (C-Lab, Germany )

Visual Construction of Algebraic Specifications (poster)
Duncan Neary and Martin R. Woodward (University of Liverpool, UK )

Generation and Evaluation of Glyphs Representing Superclass-subclass Relationships (poster)
Noritaka Osawa (National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan )

A Data-Flow Visual Approach to Symbolic Computing: Implementing a Production-Rule-Based Programming System through a General-Purpose Data-Flow VL (poster)
Marco Porta, Mosconi Mauro (Università di Pavia, Italy )

Learning and Reuse of a Visual Programming Language (poster)
Mary Beth Rosson, Cheryl Seals (Virginia Tech, USA )

Lower Floor, Lower Ceiling: Easily Programming Turtle-Graphics (poster)
Robert Sheehan (University of Auckland, New Zealand )

Video Description by Automatic Content Extraction (poster)
Guido Tascini, Anna Montesanto and Roberto Paolmbo (Ancona University, Italy )

Composing Motion Grammar of Kinetic Typography (poster)
Yasufumi Uekita and Junji Sakamoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan )
Masahiko Furukata (International Media Research Foundation, Japan )

Promoting Scalability in a Concurrent Visual Language (poster)
Michelle Usher and David Jackson (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom )

Structured Interactive Animation for Multimedia Documents (poster)
Dan Vodislav (CNAM/CEDRIC, France )
Michalis Vazirgiannis (Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece )

Using a Visual Software Engineering Language for Specifying and Analysing Workflows (poster)
Guido Wirtz (Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Germany )

AR-browser: Active Reading for WWW Contents (poster)
Atsuo Yoshitaka, Tomokazu Uehara, Tadao Ichikawa and Masahito Hirakawa (Hiroshima University, Japan )

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