Human Connections

Human Connections

To wrap up this portfolio, we talked about Biology being the study of living organisms, but if we wish to go further we can say biology comes down to evidence of life. Defining life is complicated however, describing it is even harder. Many scientists are looking to outer space, searching for signs of life on the moons of Jupiter or Saturn, or looking futrher beyond to other stars and their planets. But here on Earth, well life, human life that is, can be very quickly identified. If one were to see stuffed animals, some small clothing, small toys and more, one would immediatelly think "Oh this is evidence of a child". It is that simple, because we have tons of evidence of children and these artifacts, and so the correltation is almost immediate. I did this for my own life in my own Life artifacts piece, gathering some of the stuff my parents kept and sharing them.

Just as there is evidence of life, there is evidence of end of life. This is a rather touchy subject, but it is all part of the course of life. We commonly hear about aging, and most don't like that word, but its the right word. We age, our function and sturcture changes, and we observe these changes with our body. Our skin may not be as smooth or shinny as it was before, maybe we have trouble seeing or hearing, maybe we slowly lose the ability to move. This is all relative, and it is something which occurs as we grow older. Here are some examples of aging and the effect on the body.
