[UAI] CFP: 11th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis

From: Adnan Darwiche (darwiche@cs.ucla.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 15:23:26 PST

  • Next message: K.Ioannou: "[UAI] CALL FOR PAPERS"

                                    Call for Papers
          Eleventh International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-00)

                             Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico
                                  June 8-11, 2000

    The international workshop on principles of diagnosis is an annual forum
    that fosters interaction and cooperation among researchers with diverse
    interests and approaches to diagnosis and related areas. The workshop
    has traditionally adopted a single track program and limited the number
    of participants to allow for sufficient technical exchange and debate.
    This year's workshop will consist of three and a half days of
    presentations, poster sessions and discussions. It will directly follow
    the Fourteenth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning,
    QR00, to be also held in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico.

    We are expanding the scope of the workshop this year to include all
    aspects of model-based reasoning which can be applied to formal
    probabilistic, logical, and/or hybrid models, in addition to classical
    diagnostic reasoning. We are particularly encouraging submissions on
    integrated systems which combine diverse model-based reasoning tasks,
    and on modeling issues including: synthesis of models from system
    design, learning models from data, and informal model acquisition.

    In addition to the above focus, we are also encouraging submissions
    on the classical diagnosis topics listed below:

       * Theories of diagnosis, repair, closed loop systems: abductive,
         consistency-based, causal, probabilistic, constraint-based,
         temporal, predictive, contingent.

       * Computational issues: controlling combinatorial explosion,
         focusing strategies, controlling inference in complex systems,
         use of structural knowledge, hierarchies.

       * Modeling: multiple, approximate, incomplete, probabilistic,
         functional, qualitative, and hybrid discrete/continuous models,
         integration of heuristics with model-based diagnosis, principles of
         modeling, modeling dynamic systems, knowledge acquisition.

       * The diagnosis process: repair strategies, monitoring, sensor
         placement, test selection, resource-bounded reasoning, real time
         diagnosis, on-board autonomous operations, active testing,
         experimen, design, predictive diagnosis, contingency planning.

       * Connections between diagnosis and other areas: FDI techniques,
         control theory, logic programming, machine learning, planning,
         execution, Bayesian reasoning, Markov modeling, real time
         languages, software V&V, debugging, synthesis, testing.

       * Principled Applications: relationship between computational
         models of diagnosis and practical techniques used in real-world
        applications in a wide range of fields, including medicine,
        chemical, mechanical, electrical, and electronics systems.

    Submission Deadlines:

    Authors must submit their paper's title and abstract via email to
    dx00@cs.ucla.edu by February 11, 2000. A postscript file of the full
    paper should then be emailed to dx00@cs.ucla.edu by February 14, 2000.
    Although postscript submissions are preferred, authors may also send
    hardcopies of their papers to Adnan Darwiche (address below); 4 copies
    of each paper must be received by February 14, 2000.

    Please include postal addresses, electronic mail, fax, and telephone
    numbers on the cover page of all papers. Authors will be notified of
    acceptance or rejection by March 27, 2000. Accepted papers should be
    revised to accommodate the referee comments before final submission
    for inclusion in the workshop working notes. Camera-ready copies of
    the final paper are due by April 24, 2000.

    For those who wish to attend the Workshop without submitting a paper,
    please email a short abstract describing your research interests to
    dx00@cs.ucla.edu by February 14, 2000. Invitations will be mailed
    out by March 27, 2000. To promote active discussion at the workshop,
    attendance will be by invitation only.

    Paper length

    A paper must not exceed 5000 words, excluding references and abstract.
    The text should be in 12 point type with a minimum of 1-inch margins on
    both sides. Final papers are required in AAAI format (templates for the
    format are available at

    Support for student attendance

    Funds may be available to subsidize student attendance of the workshop.
    Students wishing to get this support must email a one-page statement of
    interest to dx00@cs.ucla.edu by February 18, 2000.

    Workshop co-chairs

    Adnan Darwiche
    Computer Science Department
    University of California
    Los Angeles, CA 90095

    Gregory Provan
    Rockwell Science Center
    1049 Camino Dos Rios
    Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

    Program committee

    Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University, USA
    Mike Chantler, Heriot-Watt University, UK
    Yousri El-Fattah, Rockwell Science Center, USA
    Dan Clancy, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
    Luca Console, University of Torino, Italy
    Philippe Dague, LIPN, France
    Johan de Kleer, Xerox PARC, USA
    Oskar Dressler, Occ'm Software, Germany
    David Poole, University of British Columbia, Canada
    Rob Milne, Intelligent Applications, Ltd, UK
    Pieter Mosterman, Inst. of Robotics & Systems Dynamics, Germany
    Martin Sachenbacher, Technical University of Munich, Germany
    Meera Sampath, Xerox Research (NY), USA
    Marcel Staroswiecki, University of Lille, France
    Markus Stumptner, University of Wien, Austria
    Franz Wotawa, University of Wien, Austria
    Brian Williams, MIT, USA

    Important dates

     Title/Abstract submission deadline: February 11, 2000
     Paper submission deadline: February 14, 2000
     Acceptance notification: March 27, 2000
     Camera-ready copy due: April 24, 2000
     Workshop: June 8-11, 2000

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