Re: [UAI] sample size

From: Russ Greiner (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 08:54:23 PST

  • Next message: Paul Bradley: "[UAI] KDD-2000 Call for Papers"

    Another really nice article is

        author = "Klaus-U. H{\"o}ffgen",
        title = "Learning and Robust Learning of Product Distributions",
        pages = "77--83",
        booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on
                       Computational Learning Theory",
        address = "Santa Cruz, CA, USA",
        month = jul,
        year = "1993",
        publisher = "ACM Press",

    | R Greiner Phone: (780) 492-5461 |
    | Dep't of Computing Science FAX: (780) 492-1071 |
    | University of Alberta Email: |
    | Edmonton, AB T6G 2H1 Canada |

    Stefano Monti 268-3740 writes:
    > You might want to start with these two articles.
    > @InProceedings{friyak96,
    > author = "Nir Friedman and Zohar Yakhini",
    > title = "On the Sample Complexity of Learning {B}ayesian Networks",
    > booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Uncertainty in
    > AI",
    > year = 1996
    > }
    > @Article{dasgup97,
    > author = "Sanjoy Dasgupta",
    > title = "The Sample Complexity of Learning Fixed-Structure
    > {B}ayesian Networks",
    > journal = "Machine Learning",
    > year = 1997,
    > volume = 29,
    > number = 2
    > }
    > -- ste
    > Jos Carlos wrote:
    > >
    > > Please,
    > >
    > > I would like to know if could anyone
    > > indicate references about sample size in
    > > learning BNs structure to me.
    > >
    > > Thanks!
    > >
    > > Jos Carlos
    > ___________________________________________________________________
    > Stefano Monti | Voice: (412) 268-3740 Fax: (412) 268-5569
    > CMU, Robotics Institute | Email:
    > Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
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