From: Huan Liu (hliu@asu.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 10:26:14 PST

  • Next message: Christos Tsinopoulos: "[UAI] Conference on Complexity and Complex Systems in Industry"

                            Call for Workshop Proposals

        6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

             Melbourne Convention Centre, August 28 - September 1, 2000

    The PRICAI 2000 Conference Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
    Program of the Sixth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
    Intelligence (PRICAI 2000). Workshops will be held at the beginning of the
    conference, on August 28 - August 29, 2000 .

    Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet each other and
    issues with a selected focus -- providing an informal setting for active
    exchange among researchers, developers and users on topics of interest.

    Submissions are welcome in all areas of AI, both theoretical and applied,
    for PRICAI 2000. Suggested topics for workshops include, but are not limited

    to, the following:

       * Agent architectures and languages
       * AI for internet applications
       * AI in business
       * AI in education and computer-assisted learning environments
       * Computational Learning Theory
       * Hybrid reasoning systems
       * Innovative applications of AI technology
       * Intelligent document processing and analysis
       * Intelligent multimedia
       * Intelligent user interface
       * Knowledge discovery and data mining
       * Knowledge acquisition and machine learning
       * Logical foundations for intelligent systems
       * Multi-lingual natural language processing
       * Networked entertainment and games,
       * Practical planning, scheduling, and learning methods
       * Programming and Reasoning with Constraints
       * Robotics and Vision
       * Theory and Practice of Soft computing

    To encourage interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshops will be kept
    small, with 25-40 participants. Attendance is limited to active
    participants only. The format of the workshop presentations will be
    determined by the organizers. Organizers are encouraged to leave ample time
    for general discussion. Workshops will typically be one full day in length,
    although half-day, or up to two-day proposals will be considered.

    Proposal Content

    Proposals for workshops should be about 2 pages in length, and should

       * A description of the workshop. Identify the specific issues on which
         the workshop will focus.
       * A brief discussion of why the workshop is of particular interest at
         this time.
       * The names and addresses of the organizing committee; 3 to 4 people
         knowledgeable in the field. Strong proposals include organizers who
         bring differing perspectives to the workshop topic.
       * An indication as to whether the workshop should be considered for a
         half-day, one or two-day meeting.

    We welcome proposals that explore the frontiers of AI research as well as
    novel application domains. Submissions that link AI technology to specific
    problems in the Pacific Rim are particularly encouraged.


    Workshop proposals should be submitted as soon as possible but no later
    than March 17, 2000 (extended from Feb. 11, 2000). Organizers will be
    notified of the committee's decision by March 31, 2000 (extended from
    Feb. 25, 2000). Workshop organizers will be responsible for:

       * Producing and distributing a call for participation.

       * Selecting participants. Workshop attendance is by invitation of the
         organizers. Selection of attendees will be made by the organizers on
         the basis of submissions. Workshop organizers will need to provide
         PRICAI with a list of the participants by July 28, 2000.

       * Coordinating the production and distribution of the workshop notes.

    Scheduling the Workshop Activities

    PRICAI will provide logistic support, and schedule the meeting dates,
    times, and places for the workshops. Workshop organizers will be advised
    of the registration fees, which should be included in their call for
    participation. PRICAI reserves the right to drop any workshop if there
    is insufficient interest. Workshops are not to be used as a vehicle
    for marketing products.

    Please submit your workshop proposal and address inquiries concerning
    PRICAI workshops to:

         Dr. Huan Liu
         Department of Computer Science & Engineering
         Arizona State University
         PO BOX 875406
         Tempe, AZ 85287-5406, USA
         phone: 1-480-727-7349
         fax: 1-480-965-2751
         email: hliu@asu.edu or liuh@comp.nus.edu.sg
         (Electronic submissions in ascii, *.ps or *.html formats preferred)

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