[UAI] CP2000: Final Call for Papers

From: Martin Henz (henz@comp.nus.edu.sg)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 19:35:13 PST

  • Next message: Roberto Poli: "[UAI] BISCA - 2000"

                       Sixth International Conference on
               Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

                       September 18-22, 2000, Singapore

                                CALL FOR PAPERS

    Constraints have emerged as the basis of a representational and
    computational paradigm that draws from many disciplines and can be
    brought to bear on many problem domains. The conference is concerned
    with all aspects of computing with constraints including: algorithms,
    applications, environments, languages, models, systems. Contributions
    are welcome from any discipline concerned with constraints, including:
    artificial intelligence, combinatorial algorithms, computational
    logic, concurrent computation, databases, discrete mathematics,
    operations research, programming languages, symbolic computation. We
    also solicit papers from any domain employing constraints, including:
    computational linguistics, configuration, decision support, design,
    diagnosis, graphics, hardware verification, molecular biology,
    planning, qualitative reasoning, real-time systems, resource
    allocation, robotics, scheduling, software engineering, temporal
    reasoning, vision, visualization, user interfaces. Papers that bridge
    disciplines or combine theory and practice are especially welcome.

    Important dates

       Submissions of workshop/tutorial proposals: February 15, 2000
       Submissions of abstracts: March 11, 2000
       Submissions of papers: March 15, 2000
       Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2000
       Camera-ready papers due: June 30, 2000

    Conference site

    Located in Southeast Asia, the Republic of Singapore is a safe and
    clean city-state. Known as the Lion City, Singapore is a modern
    metropolis with one of the world's busiest ports and a world-class
    airport. At the same time, the small tropical island has retained many
    elements of its colonial past. The multiethnic nature of the
    population provides a rich and varied cultural, religious, and
    linguistic heritage. The conference will be take place at the Hilton


    Papers must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
    Research papers can be up to 15 proceedings pages, and poster papers
    can be up to 5 pages. Submission should be done by sending two emails
    to cp2000@ics.uci.edu

    The first email (to be received by March 11) should have the subject
    "CP2000 Abstract: " followed by the paper title. The body of this
    first email should contain the title, authors and a short abstract of
    the paper, all in plain text. The second email (by March 15) should
    have subject "CP2000 Paper: " followed by the paper title. The body
    of this second email should contain a postscript file.

    All submissions must be formatted according to the style used in
    Springer Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Support files
    for this style (use llncs.cls for LaTeX2e) are available at
    http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. All authors must be
    prepared to send a hardcopy by fast airmail upon request. Authors who
    are unable to submit electronically can mail five paper copies to the
    program chair, to arrive on or before the submission deadline.


    The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture
    Notes in Computer Science series. A special issue of the Constraints
    journal (Kluwer Academic Publishers) is planned, based on selected

    Workshops and Tutorials

    Workshops and tutorials are planned for Monday, September 18, and
    Friday, September 22, 2000. Workshop and tutorial proposals should
    be submitted to the workshop chair Toby Walsh via email at
    tw@cs.york.ac.uk by February 15, 2000.

    Conference Chair

       Roland Yap
       School of Computing
       National University of Singapore
       S16, Level 5, 3 Science Drive 2
       Singapore 117543, Republic of Singapore
       Phone: +65 874-2972
       Fax: +65 779-4580

    Program Chair

       Rina Dechter
       Information and Computer Science
       University of California
       Irvine CA 92697-3425, USA
       Phone: +1 (949) 824-6556
       Fax: +1 (949) 824-4056

    Workshop Chair

       Toby Walsh
       Department of Computer Science
       The University of York
       YORK, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
       Phone: +44 1904 432722
       Fax: +44 1904 432767

    Program Committee

       Krzysztof Apt (CWI),
       Roberto Bayardo (IBM, Almaden),
       Peter van Beek (University of Alberta),
       Alexander Bockmayr (LORIA),
       Alex Brodsky (George Mason University),
       Philippe Codognet (University of Paris, 6),
       Boi Faltings (LIA-EPFL),
       Ian Gent (University of Strathclyde),
       John Hooker (CMU),
       Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore),
       Peter Jeavons (Oxford University),
       Henry Kautz (AT&T Labs),
       Manolis Koubarakis (Technical University of Crete),
       Michael Maher (Griffith University),
       Jean-Francois Puget (ILOG),
       Barbara Smith (University of Leeds),
       Francesca Rossi (University of Padova),
       Helmut Simonis (Cosytec),
       Christian Schulte (Univ. des Saarlandes),
       Mark Wallace (IC-Parc, Imperial College),
       Makoto Yokoo (NTT)

    Organizing Committee

       Alan Borning (Univ. of Washington),
       Alex Brodsky (George Mason University),
       Jacques Cohen (Brandeis Univ.),
       Alain Colmerauer (Univ. of Marseille),
       Eugene Freuder, chair (Univ. of New Hampshire),
       Herve Gallaire (Xerox),
       Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore),
       Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Univ. of Paris Sud),
       Jean-Louis Lassez (New Mexico Tech),
       Michael Maher (Griffith University),
       Ugo Montanari (Univ. of Pisa),
       Anil Nerode (Cornell Univ.),
       Jean-Francois Puget (ILOG),
       Francesca Rossi (University of Padova),
       Vijay Saraswat (AT&T Research),
       Gert Smolka (Univ. des Saarlandes),
       Ralph Wachter (Office of Naval Research)

    distributed by publicity chair Martin Henz (www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~henz)

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