[UAI] Postdoctoral Position at Johns Hopkins

From: Giovanni Parmigiani (gp@jhu.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 06:27:13 PST

  • Next message: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey: "Re: [UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network"


         Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biostatistics / Bioinformatics
         Division of Biostatistics, Oncology Center
         Johns Hopkins University

    The Division of Biostatistics in the Oncology Center of the Johns
    Hopkins University is inviting applications for one position of
    postdoctoral fellow to work in the area of biostatistics and
    bioinformatics for gene expression array analysis. A suitable applicant
    will hold a PhD in computer science, statistics, or
    biostatistics. Candidates with a PhD in areas genetics or microbiology,
    and substantial quantitative expertise, are also encouraged to
    apply. Candidates should have evident potential for excellence in
    interdisciplinary quantitative research, and interest in becoming
    familiar with issues in genomics. Some background in one or more areas
    such as clustering, classification, discriminant analysis, model
    selection, or Bayes nets is desirable. The position is available
    immediately and for up to two years.

    Applicants should mail cv (including a personal website url if
    available) and letter of application, and arrange for two or more
    letters of reference to be sent to: Postdoctoral Search Committee,
    Division of Biostatistics, 550 North Broadway, suite 409 Baltimore, MD,
    21205-2011. Applications will be considered until the position is
    filled. E-mail inquiries on the status of an application can be
    directed to mooreal@jhmi.edu. Johns Hopkins University is an Affirmative
    Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


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