[UAI] CFP: Learning Statistical Models from Relational Data, AAAI 2000 Workshop

From: David Jensen (jensen@cs.umass.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 10:11:17 PST

  • Next message: Gang LI: "[UAI] Q:Reasoning algorithm for polytree"

    REMINDER: Submission deadline is March 10.

    AAAI-2000 Workshop
    Learning Statistical Models from Relational Data
    July 31, 2000, Austin, TX

    Researchers from a variety of backgrounds (including machine learning,
    statistics, inductive logic programming, databases, and reasoning
    under uncertainty) are beginning to develop techniques to learn
    statistical models from relational data. This work diverges from
    traditional approaches in these fields that assume data instances are
    structurally identical and statistically independent or assume that
    relationships are deterministic. New developments in this area are
    vital because of the growing interest in mining information in
    relational databases, object-oriented databases, XML and other
    structured and semi-structured formats. The workshop will focus on
    learning models that represent statistical correlations between the
    properties of related entities directly from relational data.

    Central topics include:

    o Methods for learning statistical models from heterogeneous,
      non-independent instances.

    o Non-propositional data representations (including relational and
      first-order models).

    o Efficient techniques for mining relational and semi-structured data.

    o Applications of relational data analysis (e.g., Web mining,
      counter-terrorism, intrusion detection, collaborative filtering,

    Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract on the topics
    outlined above. Abstracts should emphasize technical research
    results, either in the form of system capabilities or general
    findings. Abstracts should be no longer than 4 pages, and follow the
    AAAI style sheet. Electronic submissions, in PostScript or PDF, should
    be sent to srl-submit@robotics.stanford.edu. Accepted submissions will
    be asked to submit a final version (up to 8 pages) of the paper and
    may be asked to give an oral presentation at the workshop. All papers
    will be distributed and included in an AAAI Press technical report.

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