[UAI] Fourth International Workshop on Systems Management: Exploitation of Visualization and Mining

From: hellers@us.ibm.com
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 12:02:45 PST

  • Next message: Luis M. de Campos Ibáñez: "[UAI] Call for papers ISMDA-2000"

                            Call for Papers

            We apologize if you receive this message more than once.

    This represents a change of dates due to e-mail distribution problems.

               ***New date for submissions is April 3, 2000***

            IEEE 4th International Workshop on Systems Management
          (Theme: Exploitation of Data Mining and Visualization Age)

                       Montreal Quebec, Canada
                           June 28-30, 2000

    This workshop is the fourth in a series of highly successful forums for the
    discussion of research in the area of systems management. Previous
    have been held in Los Angeles, California, Toronto, Ontario, and Newport,

    This year the scope of this workshop is mining, visualization, management,
    and acquisition of data for network and systems management. With the
    widespread adoption of standards for data collection (e.g., SNMP in
    data networks CMIP in telecommunications networks) and the growing
    acceptance of technologies for information modeling (e.g., UML, XML, and
    the next challenge for network and systems management is interpreting the

    These interpretations should be task oriented, such as for problem
    problem diagnosis, and planning. The purpose of this workshop is to bring
    together researchers with in-depth knowledge of data interpretation and
    presentation to focus on challenges of network and systems management.
    These challenges include: heterogeneous data semantics, dealing with large
    volumes, noisely data, high dimensional data, dearth of labelled data for
    supervised learning, and the exploitation of underlying structure
    (e.g., based on network topologies). To aid in our objective,
    several data sets will be provided in advance of the workshop, along with
    some background about the kinds of information that should be extracted.

    Workshop participants are encouraged to submit papers (or extended
    that apply their techniques to these data.

    The URL for our site is http://www.csd.uwo.ca/SMW4.

    Three kinds of participation are possible. The first are presenters of
    full papers that fall within the topic areas considered by this workshop.
    second are those who report on the results of mining and/or visualizing
    network and systems management data made available for this workshop, which
    can be found under Dataset Information at http://www.csd.uwo.ca/SMW4/.
    This data has been provided by Cooperative Association for Internet Data
    Analysis (CAIDA). Also encouraged is participation by individuals
    seeking information on recent advances in the application of data mining
    and visualization to network and systems management.

    An award will be presented to the best paper that provides the best insight
    into the analysis (visualisation or patterns) of the skitter data
    (please see "Dataset Information" at http://www.csd.uwo.ca/SMW4/).

    All submitted papers will be reviewed by experts in the area of submission.
    Individuals presenting the results of analyses of the data sets provided by
    this workshop should submit an extended abstract summarizing their
    and results. All accepted contributions (including extended abstracts) will
    eligible for publication in the bound proceedings of the workshop. At
    one of the authors of each paper must register for the workshop to present
    the paper.

    Papers are to be submitted in English. The cover page should include
    paper title, author(s) full name, affiliations, complete address(es),
    telephone number(s), and electronic mail address(es). Full-length papers
    should have a brief abstract and be no longer than 12 pages (6,000 words),
    including references and figures.

    Extended abstracts should be in the format of an extended abstract that is
    longer than 2 pages (1,000 words), excluding figures.

    Proposals for panel discussions are also solicited. Panels are scheduled
    for 1.5 hours. Proposals should specify the topic, panel chair, and
    participants. Please include a two page abstract that highlights key
    for discussion and areas of controversy that will be addressed.

    All submissions should be sent by email
    in postscript or pdf form to smw4@csd.uwo.ca with the subject
    line "SMW4 Paper Submission: <file name>," where <file name>
    indicates the compression used if any (e.g., paper.ps.gz).

    If electronic submission is not possible,
    please submit 4 paper copies to the following address:

      Professor Hanan Lutfiyya
      Department of Computer Science
      The University of Western Ontario
      London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5B7

    Application of data mining algorithms to network and systems management

    Scalable and effective visualizations for management tasks

    Efficient techniques for on-line pattern recognition (e.g., for detecting
    performance problems and security intrusions)

    Scalable architectures for distributed data mining and visualization

    Case studies of data mining and visualization in systems and network

    Agent technologies for building distributed mining and visualization

    Information models that aid in mining and visualizing network systems
    management data

    Papers, panels, and extended abstracts due: April 3, 2000
    Author notification: April 21, 2000
    Camera ready copy: May 10, 2000

    Hanan Lutfiyya
    Department of Computer Science
    The University of Western Ontario

    Paul J. Brusil
    35 Brackenbury Lane
    Beverly, Massachusetts, USA 01915-3821

    Joseph L. Hellerstein
    IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
    Hawthorne, New York, USA

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