[UAI] ICML-2000 Workshop on Cost-Sensitive Learning

From: Dragos Margineantu (margindr@CS.ORST.EDU)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 09:28:06 PST

  • Next message: Rauch Jan - KIZI, 2426, 438nb,UID=1291: "[UAI] PKDD'2000 Workshops and Symposia - deadline extended"

              Invitation to Participate, Call for Contributions


    [In conjunction with the Seventeenth International Conference on
    Machine Learning - ICML-2000, Stanford University June 29-July 2, 2000]

    Workshop webpage is at:

                     Workshop Motivation and Description

    Recent years have seen supervised learning methods applied to a
    variety of challenging problems in industry, medicine, and science.
    In many of these problems, there are costs associated with measuring
    input features and there are costs associated with different possible
    outcomes. However, existing classification algorithms assume that the
    input features are already measured (at no cost) and that the goal is
    to minimize the number of misclassification errors (the 0/1 loss).

    For example, in medical diagnosis, different tests have different
    costs (and risks) and different outcomes (false positives and false
    negatives) have different costs. The cost of a false positive medical
    diagnosis is an unnecessary treatment, but the cost of a false
    negative diagnosis may be the death of the patient. Given a choice, a
    cost-sensitive learning algorithm should prefer to measure less costly
    features and to make less costly errors (in this example, false
    positives). Not surprisingly, when existing learning algorithms are
    applied to cost-sensitive problems, the results are often poor,
    because they have no way of making these tradeoffs.

    Another example concerns the timeliness of predictions in time-series
    applications. Consider a classifier that is applied to monitor a
    complex system (e.g., factor, power plant, medical device). It is
    supposed to signal an alarm if a problem is about to occur. The value
    of the alarm is not merely related to whether it is a false alarm or a
    missed alarm, but also to whether the alarm is raised soon enough to
    allow preventative measures to be taken.

    The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are
    working on problems for which the standard 0/1-loss model with
    zero-cost input features is unsatisfactory. A good reference on
    different types of costs, and cost-sensitive learning can be found at:

    The workshop will be structured around three main topics:

      Algorithms that take cost information as input (along with the
      training data) and produce a cost-sensitive classifier as output.
      Algorithms that construct robust classifiers that accept cost
      information at classification time.
      Algorithms designed for other types of costs.

      What types of costs are involved in practical applications?
      What are the loss functions in current and future applications of
      machine learning?
      What are the right ways of formulating various cost-sensitive
      learning problems?

      What methods should be applied to evaluate cost-sensitive learning
      What are promising new directions to pursue?
      What should be our ultimate research goals?

    Approximately one third of the day will be devoted to each of these
    three topics. On each of these topics, one or two people will give
    overview presentations. These will be followed by a mix of discussion
    and short position papers presented by the participants.


    To participate in the workshop, please send a email message to Tom
    Dietterich (tgd@cs.orst.edu) giving your name, address, email address,
    and a brief description of your reasons for wanting to attend. In
    addition, if you wish to present one or more position papers on the
    topics listed above, please send a one-page abstract of each position
    paper to Tom Dietterich at the same email address. You may submit a
    position paper on each of the three main topics (algorithms, loss
    functions, future research). If you have an issue or contribution
    that is not covered by these three categories, please contact Tom
    Dietterich by email to discuss your idea prior to submitting a
    position paper. Submissions are especially solicited that describe
    the loss functions arising in industrial applications of machine

    The organizers will review the submissions with the goal of assembling
    a stimulating and exciting workshop. Attendence will be limited to 40
    people, with preference given to people who are presenting position

    Important dates:
    - Submission deadline: April 24,2000
    - Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2000
    - Workshop will held between June 29 and July 2, 2000
      (to be announced by mid-March)


    Tom Dietterich, Oregon State University (tgd@cs.orst.edu)
    Foster Provost, New York University, (provost@stern.nyu.edu)
    Peter Turney, Institute for Information Technology of the
          National Research Council of Canada (Peter.Turney@iit.nrc.ca)
    Dragos Margineantu, Oregon State University (margindr@cs.orst.edu)

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