[UAI] Available Now: Support Vector Book

From: N Cristianini (Nello.Cristianini@bristol.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 12:43:38 PST

  • Next message: Bob Welch: "Re: [UAI] Calculating joint over arbitrary sets of variables"

    The Support Vector Book is now distributed and available
    (see http://www.support-vector.net for details).
                                     - apologies for cross postings -

    (and other kernel-based learning methods)
    N. Cristianini and J. Shawe-Taylor
    Cambridge University Press, 2000
    ISBN: 0 521 78019 5

    Contents - Overview
    1 The Learning Methodology
    2 Linear Learning Machines
    3 Kernel-Induced Feature Spaces
    4 Generalisation Theory
    5 Optimisation Theory
    6 Support Vector Machines
    7 Implementation Techniques
    8 Applications of Support Vector Machines
    Pseudocode for the SMO Algorithm
    Background Mathematics

    This book is the first comprehensive introduction to Support Vector
    Machines (SVMs), a new generation learning system based on recent advances
    in statistical learning theory. The book also introduces Bayesian analysis
    of learning and relates SVMs to Gaussian Processes and other kernel based
    learning methods. SVMs deliver state-of-the-art performance in real-world
    applications such as text categorisation, hand-written character
    recognition, image classification, biosequences analysis, etc. Their first
    introduction in the early 1990s lead to a recent explosion of applications
    and deepening theoretical analysis, that has now established Support
    Vector Machines along with neural networks as one of the standard tools
    for machine learning and data mining.

    Students will find the book both stimulating and accessible, while
    practitioners will be guided smoothly through the material required for a
    good grasp of the theory and application of these techniques. The concepts
    are introduced gradually in accessible and self-contained stages, though
    in each stage the presentation is rigorous and thorough.

    Pointers to relevant literature and web sites containing software ensure
    that it forms an ideal starting point for further study. These are also
    available on-line through an associated web site www.support-vector.net,
    which will be kept updated with pointers to new literature, applications,
    and on-line software.

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