Re: [UAI] Calculating joint over arbitrary sets of variables

From: Mohamed Bendou (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 14:34:34 PDT

  • Next message: Prof. Martin Charles Golumbic: "[UAI] Second Bar-Ilan Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Learning"

    Yes, this is what I’m looking for. We try to calculate the probability
    P(X,Pa(X)) where Pa(X) are the parents of X in the network being tested (not
    the prior network) using only a single elicited prior network and an
    equivalent sample size from the expert.
    I also try to calculate the score in uninformative case (no expert knowledge
    available), so I would like to know how the value of the BDe score or the N
    ’ijk exponents can be calculated.

    Thank you.

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