Re: [UAI] mixed variables

From: David Poole (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 11:31:24 PDT

  • Next message: Marco Valtorta: "Re: [UAI] Calculating joint over arbitrary sets of variables"

    Robert Dodier wrote:
    > Julie asks,
    > > Is there any algorithms of Bayesian Network to work directly on the
    > > mixture of continuous and categorical variables?
    > [...]
    > I know of a few possible approaches. One is to discretize all the
    > continuous variables. Another is to approximate the distributions
    > of the continuous variables by conditional Gaussians; exact
    > algorithms are known for loopy Bayesian networks with discrete and
    > conditional Gaussian continuous variables, although IIRC no
    > discrete variable can be a child of a continuous variable.

    I have seen this restriction that no discrete child can be a child of a
    continuous variable written down as if it can't be done. Why? A
    disceteization is exactly what a discrete child of a continuous variable
    is. I would expect that making the discretization explicit would be
    advantageous, as, for example, different discretizations may be
    appropriate for different purposes.

    Has anyone looked at finding optimal discretizations by having a
    discrete variable as a child of a continuous variable and then
    optimizing over the distribution? [I was teaching my class about mixing
    continuous and discrete variables and sketched out how this could be
    done, but I couldn't find a reference.]


    P.S. What does "IIRC" mean?

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