Re: [UAI] mixed variables

From: Kevin Murphy (
Date: Sat Apr 08 2000 - 08:29:03 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Murphy: "Re: [UAI] mixed variables"

    If the continuous nodes are always observed, it is trivial to handle
    them using junction tree or variable elimination: the basic idea is to
    delay evaluation of the conditional probability distributions (and hence
    clique potentials) until the evidence arrives. This is explained in my
    UAI 99 paper, "A variational approximation for bayesian networks with
    discrete and continuous latent variables", section 8, and implemented in
    my software, http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~murphyk/Bayes/bnt.html.

    If the continuous nodes may be hidden, things become much more
    complicated. If all the cts nodes are Gaussian and have no discrete
    children, the network is called conditionally Gaussian, as others have
    mentioned already. If a hidden Gaussian node has a discrete child, the
    required integration cannot be performed in closed form (no matter
    whether we use jtree or var. elim.). In my UAI 99 paper, I discuss a
    variational approx. to this problem. Other approaches include
    discretization, sampling and numerical integration (which is basically
    clever discretization).


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