Re: [UAI] mixed variables

From: Marco Valtorta (
Date: Sat Apr 08 2000 - 20:36:35 PDT

  • Next message: Ellis Clarke: "Re: [UAI] mixed variables"

    Dear Bob:

    On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Bob Welch wrote:

    > > > Is there any algorithms of Bayesian Network to work directly on the
    > > > mixture of continuous and categorical variables?
    > > I suspect that you have already discovered the work by Lauritzen on mixed
    > > models, which is implemented in Hugin. (See, e.g., Kristian
    > > G. Olesen. "Causal Probabilistic Networks with Both Discrete and
    > > Continuous Variables." _IEEE Transactions on PAMI_, 15, 3 (Match 1993),
    > > 275-279.) There is some related ongoing work at Aalborg university, so
    > > you may want to contact Kristian directly: (Sorry,
    > > Kristian! :-)
    > In their book, Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems, R. Cowell, A. P.
    > Dawid, S. Lauritzen and D. Spiegelhalter discuss the numerical instability
    > of the Lauritzen's algorithm for the conditional gaussian or mixture
    > networks. A revised algorithm is discussed in a recent paper by Steffan
    > Lauritzen and Frank Jensen, "Stable Local Computation with Conditional
    > Gaussian Distributions, research report R-99-2014, Dept of Math Sciences,
    > Aalborg University.

    Good point! Still, there is even more recent work (by Anders Madsen) than
    that at Aalborg on conditional Gaussian distributions. My advice to Julie
    remains: send an e-mail message to Kristian Olesen.

    > Bob Welch



    Marco Valtorta, Associate Professor (on sabbatical leave in 1999/2000)
    Department of Computer Science, (March)
    University of South Carolina tel.: (1)(803)777-4641 fax: -3767
    Columbia, SC 29208, U.S.A. tlx: 805038 USC
    "Probability is not about numbers. It is about the structure of reasoning."
                                    --Glenn Shafer

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