[UAI] Bayes Net Toolbox 2.0 for Matlab

From: Kevin Murphy (murphyk@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 14:32:16 PDT

  • Next message: Thomas Stuetzle: "[UAI] Workshop on Empirical Methods in AI at ECAI'2000"

    I am pleased to announce a major new release of the Bayes Net Toolbox,
    a software package for Matlab 5 that supports inference and learning
    in directed graphical models. Specifically, it supports exact and
    approximate inference, discrete and continuous variables, static and
    dynamic networks, and parameter and structure learning. Hence it can
    handle a large number of popular statistical models, such as the

    PCA/factor analysis, logistic regression, hierarchical mixtures of
    experts, QMR, DBNs, factorial HMMs, switching Kalman filters, etc.

    For more details, and to download the software, please go to

    The new version (2.0) has been completely rewritten, making it much
    easier to read, use and extend. It is also somewhat faster. The main
    change is that I now make extensive use of objects. (I used to use
    structs, and a dispatch mechanism based on the type-tag
    system in Abelson and Sussman.) In addition, each inference
    algorithm (junction tree, sampling, loopy belief propagation, etc.) is
    now an object. This makes the code and documentation much more
    modular. It also makes it easier to add special-case algorithms, and
    to combine algorithms in novel ways (e.g., combining sampling and
    exact inference).

    I have gone to great lengths to make the source code readable, so it
    should prove an invaluable teaching tool. In addition, I am hoping
    that people will contribute algorithms to the toolbox, in the spirit
    of the open source movement.

    Kevin Murphy

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