Re: [UAI] Expected value & covariance of linguistic variable

From: David Wolpert (
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 15:14:29 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Rogers: "[UAI] ICML-2000: Registration for Machine Learning conference"

    Hi Albena,

    I'm not sure what distinguishes a "linguistic variable", but if
    your interest is in hierarchical Bayesian calculations, David
    Wolf and I show how to do that for many functions of discrete
    variables in

    Wolpert, D.H., and Wolf, D.R., "Estimating Functions of Probability
    Distributions from a Finite Set of Samples", Physical Review E, 52, 1995.

    Best wishes,

    David Wolpert

    On Tue, 2 May 2000, Albena Tchamova wrote:

    > Dear Friends,
    > I am looking for methods to calculate an expected value and covariance
    > of linguistic variable. Please give me some appropriate references.
    > Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    > Best regards,
    > Albena
    > Albena Tchamova
    > Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
    > Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing,
    > Sofia, Bulgaria
    > E-mail:

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