From: Thomas Stuetzle (tom@intellektik.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de)
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 12:20:48 PDT

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                          EXTENDED DEADLINE: May 15!


                ECAI-2000 Workshop, August 22, 2000, Berlin, Germany

    Workshop Description

    In many areas of AI, experiments are the primary means of
    demonstrating the potential and value of systems and techniques. It
    has been widely recognised that appropriate empirical approaches often
    yield new insights into algorithms and systems, and often lead to new
    experimental and theoretical research issues. Thus empirical methods
    for analysing and comparing systems and techniques are of considerable
    interest to many AI researchers.

    While experimental approaches are well established and have reached a
    high level of sophistication in other sciences, like physics and
    biology, the types of empirical analysis done in AI are often
    rather rudimentary. This workshop aims to improve this situation.

    The workshop will bring together researchers from different areas of
    AI and Operations Research, such as constraint satisfaction and
    satisfiability, knowledge acquisition, machine learning and neural
    networks, theorem proving, planning and scheduling, learning,
    robotics, natural language processing and speech recognition, vision,
    and many others where empirical methods are used to analyse and
    evaluate algorithms and systems.


     -- the design of computational experiments
     -- performance criteria for algorithms or systems
     -- methods for analysing, characterising, and comparing algorithmic
     -- the choice of problem sets - benchmark problems, artificially
        generated problems, etc.
     -- the role of theoretical models in experiments
     -- studies from various fields of AI which exemplify good empirical
        methodology and its value for obtaining interesting results.
     -- the ethics of experimentation; e.g., should reports provide
        enough information for experimental replication? are AI
        experimental standards distinct from those of other disciplines?
     -- to what extent are empirical methods really necessary in AI (possibly
        due to the inadequacy or impossibility of theoretical methods)?
        How is AI different from other areas of Computer Science
        in this respect?


    This half-day workshop is co-ordinated with the ECAI-2000 Tutorial
    "Stochastic Search Algorithms" (presented by Holger H. Hoos and Thomas
    Stuetzle) and the ECAI-2000 Tutorial "Empirical Methods for Computer
    Science" (presented by Paul Cohen, Ian Gent, and Toby Walsh). The
    workshop and the two tutorials will complement each other and together
    will offer a comprehensive coverage of many important issues in the
    empirical analysis of AI algorithms and systems.

    Important Dates

     -- Submission deadline: May 15, 2000
     -- Notification of acceptance: May 29, 2000
     -- Camera-ready copy deadline: June 8, 2000
     -- Workshop: August 22, 2000

    Submission Procedure

    We ask authors to submit a position paper either in Postscript or PDF.

    The position paper should describe and justify your view on one or
    more topics relevant to this workshop. The paper should be reasonably
    concise, i.e. we expect that about 1000 words will suffice, but you
    may use more if needed. Submissions should be printed on 8.5" x 11" or
    A4 paper with at least 1 inch margins on all sides. The first page of
    the position paper should include the title, a brief abstract, and
    author names, affiliations, postal addresses, electronic mail
    addresses, and telephone and fax numbers.

    To submit a paper, email it (or a URL pointer to it) to hoos@cs.ubc.ca
    or stuetzle@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de.

    The number of participants is limited; participants will be selected
    based on the submitted position paper. All participants are expected
    to contribute to the discussions in the workshop.

    Note that all workshop participants have to register for the main
    ECAI-2000 conference


    Holger H. Hoos
    Dept. of Computer Science
    University of British Columbia
    Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
    Email: hoos@cs.ubc.ca
    WWW: www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos

    Thomas Stuetzle
    Dept. of Computer Science, Intellectics Group
    Darmstadt University of Technology
    D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany
    Email: stuetzle@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
    WWW: www.intellektik.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~tom

    Organisation Committee

    Paul Cohen, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    Kevin Korb, Monash University, Australia
    Geoff Sutcliffe, James Cook University, Australia
    Toby Walsh, University of York, United Kingdom

    Additional Information


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