[UAI] New book "Soft Computing for Image Processing"

From: Ashish Ghosh (ash@isical.ac.in)
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 08:45:34 PDT

  • Next message: Patrick De Maziere: "[UAI] Postdoctoral position biomedical signal-processing and neuroimaging"

    I am happy to announce the publication of the following book:
    "Soft Computing for Image Processing" by Sankar K. Pal, Ashish Ghosh and
    Malay K. Kundu (Eds.) from Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York. More
    information is available at



    Ashish Ghosh

                   *  Dr. Ashish Ghosh, Ph.D., M.Tech.  * 
                   *        Associate Professor         *
                   *      Machine Intelligence Unit     *
                   *     Indian Statistical Institute   *
                   *           203 B. T. Road           *
                   *       Calcutta 700 035, INDIA      *
                   *      E-mail : ash@isical.ac.in     *
                   *      Fax : +91-33-577-6680/3035    *
                   * Tel:+91-33-577-8085 ext.3110 (Off) *
                   *        +91-33-528-2399 (Res)       *
                   * URL: http://www.isical.ac.in/~ash  *

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