[UAI] Datasets for testing webmining algorithms

From: Mylene (mylene@elseware.fr)
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 08:44:27 PDT

  • Next message: Patrick Naim: "[UAI] Adaptive questionnaires using bayesian networks"


    I am trying to find free datasets to test algorithms for clickstream
    analysis on the internet and would appreciate any indication regarding
    the subject.

    Moreover, Mr Patrick Naïm (*) and myself are currently writing a book
    (see description below) on the following subject: DATAMINING ON THE

    We would be very grateful if you could provide any information which
    might help us with this book.
    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Best regards,


    26-28 rue Danielle Casanova
    75002 PARIS
    Tel. 331.4458.9340

    Datamining on the internet

    This book aims at presenting the stakes and specificities of datamining
    on the web and we would like to contact people who work in this field in
    order to collect information regarding products, applications,

    More precisely, this book will cover the following subjects:
    - Existing techniques for datamining on the internet (segmentation, data
    analysis, neural networks, bayesian networks, decision trees,...). An
    elementary description of these techniques will be made with detailed
    algorithm bases.
    - Tools for datamining on the internet with evaluation versions of these
    tools on a CD Rom
    - Applications, state of the art, trends.Our objective is to focus on
    this last part and we hope you will be willing to help us.

    This book targets decision makers who wish to acquire a global view of
    Datamining on the internet, of available tools and techniques and of
    potential applications. It therefore can be used as a reference guide by
    sales managers, marketing managers, logistics managers in order to
    define what can be expected from datamining and how to implement it. It
    can also be useful to students, engineers and research managers who need
    to implement these techniques. It will provide them with the basic
    information on Datamining on the internet, the underlying methodology
    and how to introduce or extend the use of datamining on the internet in
    their companies.

    The date of publication is planned for September 2000. 5000 copies will
    be printed in France. If successful, the book will be translated into
    English and made available to the rest of Europe.

    Editions Eyrolles (www.editions-eyrolles.com) is the first publisher of
    IT oriented books in France. This book will be published in the
    "Informatique Magazine" collection which specializes in the edition of
    books midway between the reference guide and the market study.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu May 18 2000 - 08:54:09 PDT