Re: [UAI] Adaptive questionnaires using bayesian networks

From: Russell Almond (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 13:21:01 PDT

  • Next message: Roberto Santana: "[UAI] Triangulated Subgraph"

    Patrick Naim wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am looking for any work/paper on building adaptive questionnaires
    > using a prior bayesian model.
    > The typical application would be online credit application. The idea is
    > that you decide to accept/reject the application whenever the expected
    > score is high/low enough with sufficient probability, based on collected
    > answers, regardless of the next answers. So the question is how to chain
    > questions so that the questionnaire comes to a yes/no conclusion as
    > quick as possible, with good probability of success.
    > Thank you in advance.
    > Patrick Naïm

    You might want to look at the literature on computer adaptive testing.
    (I think there is a survey book by Wainer which might be a good starting
    point). At least in theory, this is similar to computerized mastery
    testing where you want to select next items based on what you think will
    maximize the licenceable/ not licenceable question.

            --Russell Almond

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