Re: [UAI] Measures of dependence between random variables

From: david wolf (
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 16:30:52 PDT

  • Next message: Milan Studeny: "Re: [UAI] Measures of dependence between random variables"

    hi prakash,

    < >
    < >
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    all the best,

    At 11:25 AM 5/24/00 -0700, Prakash P. Shenoy wrote:
    >Dear UAI colleagues,
    >Could someone please point me to references on different measures of
    >dependence between random variables? I am familiar with
    >covariance/correlation coefficient that measures linear dependence between
    >variables. What else is out there that is being used by the Bayes net
    >learning community? Thanks in advance for the pointers.
    >Prakash Shenoy

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