[UAI] Special Issues of JASS journal

From: Nikitas Assimakopoulos (assinik@unipi.gr)
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 08:36:08 PDT

  • Next message: ECAI 2000 Publicity [Markus Hannebauer]: "[UAI] ECAI 2000 2nd Call for Participation [15th of June Early Registration Deadline]"

       We extend our sincere apologies if this announcement
        would disturb your inbox with multiple copies of it.

    Journal of Applied Systems Studies
           Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches
                             ' JASS '


    JASS announces that the following Special Issues have been scheduled :

             "Challenges Facing General Systems in Practice"
             "Creative Processes in Natural and Human Systems"
             "Distributed Multimedia Systems with Applications"
             "Applications of Electronic Commerce Systems"
             "WEB Information Systems Applications"
             "Industrial Applications of Multi-Agent and Holonic Systems"
             "Anticipating the Effects of the Year 2000 Problem"

    If you are interested in the above special issue titles AND for the
    current issues, please visit JASS web site.
    For submission of papers and special issue proposals consult the "Aims &
    Scope" of JASS.

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