[UAI] Re: intro AI material

From: profrich@megsinet.net
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 07:22:44 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin S. Van Horn: "[UAI] Re: Books"

    I am writing a new book on Bayes' networks, but it is about 6 months from
    completion. My 1990 book Probabilistic reasoning in expert systems is still
    an easy intro, but it is out of print.
    Rich Neapolitan

    At 03:43 PM 6/7/00 -0700, you wrote:
    >Hi all,
    >I'm starting a seminar at my company to acquaint beginning scientists with
    >various AI techniques. Can anyone recommend good introductory material on
    >any the following topics?
    >Neural networks
    >Belief nets (the Pearl book is good but more advanced than we have in mind
    >for this setting)
    >Expert systems
    >Fuzzy logic
    >Ideally, we'd like to find a 100 to 200 page book on each of these topics,
    >roughly analagous to Melanie Mitchell's book An Introduction to Genetic
    >Algorithms, covering both basic theory and an overview of what type of
    >problem a technique is most suited to. However, it seems that truly
    >introductory material on some of these topics is hard to find. Any help will
    >be greatly appreciated.
    >Rachel Cunningham
    >Rachel Cunningham (617) 491-3474 x519
    >Scientist rachelc@cra.com
    >Charles River Analytics http://www.cra.com

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