Call for papers for new journal "Law, Probability and Risk: a journal of reasoning under uncertainty"

From: Peter Tillers (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 09:26:50 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Tillers: "NEW workshop on artificial intellignece and evidence in litigation"

    Law, Probability and Risk: a journal of reasoning under uncertainty.

    Call for Papers

    Papers are requested for a new journal entitled Law, Probability and
    Risk, aimed primarily at academic lawyers, mathematicians and
    statisticians. The journal seeks to publish papers that deal with topics
    on the interface of law and probabilistic reasoning. These will be
    interpreted broadly to include aspects relevant to the interpretation of
    scientific evidence, the assessment of uncertainty and the assessment of

     Examples include: evaluation, interpretation and presentation of
    evidence, estimation of compensation for serious injuries, the relevance
    and reliability of genetic tests for insurance purposes with consequent
    considerations of legal or quasi-legal criteria for allowable
    discrimination; legal conflicts affecting the efficiency of credit
    scoring on the basis of the different types of data permitted to be held
    by credit bureaux in the U.K., the U.S. and the rest of Europe; the
    detection of fraudulent transactions live, using expert systems and
    statistical analyses; the drafting of legislation which is
    scientifically sound through the involvement of scientists and
    statisticians at this stage of legislation.

    Non-evidence law topics include environmental issues, mass torts,
    causation, risk assessment, medical and pharmaceutical litigation
    involving the evaluation of epidemiological and bio-statistical evidence
    according to legal criteria.

    The primary objective of the journal will be to cover issues in law
    which have a scientific element, with an emphasis on statistical and
    probabilistic issues and the assessment of risk. The primary readership
    includes academic lawyers interested in cases with a scientific element,
    particularly those which include the assessment of data but also
    including reasoning under uncertainty more generally, and legislators
    interested in drafting legislation which involves the assessment of
    uncertainty, such as statutory levels of pollutants in environmental
    legislation. The readership also includes statisticians and
    probabilists interested in the evaluation, interpretation and
    presentation of evidence.

    Examples of topics which may be covered include communications law,
    computers and the law, environmental law, law and medicine, regulatory
    law for science and technology, identification problems (such as DNA but
    including other materials), sampling issues (drugs, computer
    pornography, fraud), offender profiling, credit scoring, risk
    assessment, the role of statistics and probability in drafting
    legislation, the assessment of competing theories of evidence (possibly
    with a view to forming an optimal combination of them). In addition, a
    whole new area is emerging in the application of computers to medicine
    and other safety-critical areas. New legislation is required to define
    the responsibility of computer experts who develop software for tackling
    these safety-critical problems.


    C.G.G. Aitken (Statistics - University of Edinburgh)
    F. Taroni (Forensic Science - University of Lausanne)
    P. Tillers (Law - Cardozo School of Law, New York)
    M. Redmayne (Law - London School of Economics)

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