AAAI-SS01: Model-based Validation of Intelligence (Extended Deadline)

From: Lina Khatib (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 09:28:25 PDT

  • Next message: Mohammed Zaki: "[UAI] CFP Deadline: 1st SIAM Int'l Conference on Data Mining"

    We apologize if you receive this message more than once. We would
    also appreciate if you could distribute this CFP to your colleagues.
    In response to some requests, abstract submission deadline is
    extended to MONDAY OCTOBER 16. Please let us know if you need
    extra time.

    Also, if you are interested in no-submission participation, please
    let us know your motivation to add you to our invitees list.

    For more DETAILS and updates, check the web site indicated below.



               Part of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series
                          March 26-28, 2001
                  Stanford University, California. U.S.


    Submission Date: October 9, 2000. (extended to October 13)
    Notification of acceptance: November 8, 2000.
    Submission of accepted Material: January 17, 2001.

    Topics include, but not limited to,

      . Incorporation of verification techniques in AI systems.
      . Incorporation of AI techniques in verification systems.
      . Verification of domain models and reasoning engine code.
      . Validation criteria and coverage measurements.
      . Formal semantics for AI-based systems.
      . Verification of integrated multi-layer systems and adaptive systems.


    Potential participants should submit a concise 1-3 page
    abstract describing work recently completed or in progress (longer
    papers may be accepted for distribution). Alternatively, a list
    of questions may be submitted to help seed panel discussions on
    interesting related issues.

    Electronic submissions are preferred, in plain ASCII, PDF, or Postscript.
    Please e-mail submissions to Lina Khatib (


    Kim Larsen, Aalborg University, DENMARK;
    Nicola Muscettola, NASA Ames Research Center; and
    Paolo Traverso, IRST, Trento, Italy.


    Lina Khatib and Charles Pecheur (Co-chairs), NASA Ames Research Center;
    Edmund M. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University;
    Robert P. Goldman, Honeywell Technology Center;
    Klaus Havelund, NASA Ames Research Center;
    Nicola Muscettola, NASA Ames Research Center;
    Paul Pettersson, Uppsala University, Sweden;
    Paolo Traverso, IRST, Trento, Italy.


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