[UAI] UAI-2001 Call for Workshop Proposals

From: Daphne Koller (koller@Robotics.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 10:56:18 PDT

  • Next message: Daphne Koller: "[UAI] UAI-2001 Call for Papers"

                 Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: 2001
                              Call for Workshops
                               August 2, 2001
                           University of Washington
                               Seattle, WA USA

                             Conference homepage:

    This year, UAI-2001 is planning to continue the successful experiment of
    last year's UAI conference and hold workshops in conjunction with the
    conference. The UAI-2001 co-chairs are therefore inviting members of the
    community to submit proposals for workshops to be held August 2, 2001
    prior to the main conference (held August 3-5, 2001).

    The scope of UAI is wide, covering a broad spectrum of approaches to
    automated reasoning, learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition
    under uncertainty. The workshops provide an opportunity for researchers
    with similar interests to focus on specialized or novel topics within the
    purview of UAI


    Those who are willing to organize a workshop should send the following
    information to the program co-chairs (uai01-pchairs@cs.stanford.ed) by

          - workshop title
          - abstract
          - a list of organizers (at least three)
          - contact name, address, e-mail address, phone number, fax
          - preferred length (full or half day)

    Submission deadline is January 30, 2001 and notification will be made by
    February 15, 2001.

    Workshop Details:

    Workshops will be held on August 2, 2001, the day before the main conference.

    The workshop organizers will be responsible for:

    1. Producing a call for participation and distributing it. The call for
       participation will be made available on the UAI-2001 Website.

    2. Selecting workshop participants. A list of participants should be
       submitted to the program chairs by July 1, 2001.

    3. Producing the workshop notes. If camera ready copy of the notes is
       submitted to the UAI2001 chairs by July 1, 2001, the conference will
       produce copies of the workshop notes for workshop participants.

    UAI-2001 will provide meeting places for the workshops on the University
    of Washington campus, and nominal refreshments. The workshop participants
    are required to register for the UAI-2001 main conference. Workshop
    registration will be handled by the UAI-2001 conference committee along
    with the main conference registration.

    Please send proposals/inquires to the workshop program co-chairs at


    General Conference Chair:
    Moisés Goldszmidt
    Peakstone Corporation
    155A Moffett Park Drive
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089

    Phone: +1 (408) 752-1024
    Fax : +1 (408) 752-1040
    E-mail: moises@peakstone.com

    - ---
    Program Co-chairs:

    Jack Breese
    Microsoft Research
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052

    Phone: +1 (425) 936-2969
    Fax: +1 (425) 936-7329
    E-mail: breese@microsoft.com
    - ---
    Daphne Koller
    Computer Science Department
    Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305-9010

    Phone: +1 (650) 723-6598
    Fax: +1 (650) 725-1449
    E-mail: koller@CS.Stanford.EDU
    - ---

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