[UAI] Illusions

From: Al Seckel (seckel@klab.caltech.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 15:24:27 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin S. Van Horn: "Re: [UAI] text databases"


    Quite a number of vision and cognitive scientists have urged me to send
    out a notification of my recently published book on illusions, which
    contains many new effects, as well as the traditional classic ones. It
    is the best published collection so far.

    Although the book is in a popular format, the over 160 full page
    illustrations are of high quality and in color, which makes it
    worthwhile collection for anyone studying vision and cognitive science.

    It is available for $17.00 at amazon.com

    I am actively researching illusions, and have assembled the largest
    collection of such effects in the world. Many of you will be familiar
    with my web site (www.illusionworks.com) that is heavily cited. If you
    have discovered some new effects, I would be most interested in hearing
    about them, as I am preparing an authoritative treatise for MIT Press.


    Al Seckel
    Shimojo Laboratory of Psychophysics
    Division of Computational and Neural Systems
    California Institute of Technology
    Pasadena, CA 91105

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