From: Gordon Hazen (
Date: Sun Oct 29 2000 - 19:42:19 PST

  • Next message: Eugene Santos: "[UAI] [Final CFP] FLAIRS Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning"


    Look through Medical Decision Making for Markov chain decision analyses -
    plenty of QALE computation is done there. If that's what you meant - the
    distinction you draw between (c)omputed and used is unclear.


    At 02:43 PM 10/27/00 -0700, Rich Neapolitan wrote:
    >Dear Colleagues:
    >Can anyone recommend a good paper in which Quality Adjusted Life
    >Expectancies (QALE) are actually omputed (not only used).
    >Rich Neapolitan
    >Computer Science Department
    >Northeastern Illinois University
    >5500 N. St. Louis
    >Chicago, Il 60625

    Gordon Hazen
    IE/MS Department, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. USA 60208-3119
    Phone 847-491-5673 Fax 847-491-8005

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